One moment an I’m cheering on Alex because respect for difference is foundational for me. But “civilizational hegemony” seems to be happening in the internal policing of identities and opinions in Russia, say? And then the assumptions and asides, like stating that Kamala Harris supports pedophilia. What? The chauvinism and colonialist mind set of capital W westerners is true enough. He’s proposing a commonality of values that I’m not sure really holds. Why? Because the role individuals play are not considered meaningful culturally. Let people define themselves and their values and if these stray from a traditionalist interpretation, so be it. Yes, from a perspective of held values, strange monsters may form. But the strangeness is superficial, as humans we are what we create. Define yourself! Don’t accommodate yourself to received definitions. The “Right” is new to anti-colonialist discourse. Individuals form communities and communities form individuals. There is no moral calculus to be made unless it is humanitarian, anti-racist and embodied in real activity.
One moment an I’m cheering on Alex because respect for difference is foundational for me. But “civilizational hegemony” seems to be happening in the internal policing of identities and opinions in Russia, say? And then the assumptions and asides, like stating that Kamala Harris supports pedophilia. What? The chauvinism and colonialist mind set of capital W westerners is true enough. He’s proposing a commonality of values that I’m not sure really holds. Why? Because the role individuals play are not considered meaningful culturally. Let people define themselves and their values and if these stray from a traditionalist interpretation, so be it. Yes, from a perspective of held values, strange monsters may form. But the strangeness is superficial, as humans we are what we create. Define yourself! Don’t accommodate yourself to received definitions. The “Right” is new to anti-colonialist discourse. Individuals form communities and communities form individuals. There is no moral calculus to be made unless it is humanitarian, anti-racist and embodied in real activity.