The narrative groundworks has begun. I've noticed that Egypt is being targeted with posts saying “Egyptian blackmarket arming Hamas.” Maybe Egypt should pretend to be flexible for a while and stop protesting. If you think about it, protesting last time didn't end well.
Mr Dugin, I think what's happening is poison magic on a human scale. The more countries involved the bigger the curse which they hope will create the anti-christ.
I believe in light, light is everything! Outside light there isn’t even nothingness, outside light there is only Satanic self destruction of human nature. I am moved for the first time by the words Mr Dugin has been speaking from his very heart concerning the Islamic civilisation and religion. We in the global West have, for centuries now, been kept in complete ignorance of the immense contributions by the Islamic World to Human Development. We may have a glimpse of the real material reasons why the Western Elites have been trying by any means to obliterate Islam. The West and its development has always been dependent on Imperialism. Without knowledge of Imperialism is useless to speak about modern, currents tragic, genocides and wars of plunder waged by the Western Global Imperial Financial adventures all over the world. Russia has by its very historical development the privilege of have always taken into account the numerous ethnic/cultural components of the Russian speaking Nation. Russian arts, from music to architecture, poetry, literature, the very language! May be understood only by knowledge of its great dialectical relation between cultures. The future, if there is going to be any future to Humanity, may be only not just Multipolar Economic Development, it must be Multipolar Polar Cultural,Infinite Light, eternal knowledge. I believe, have always believed only in the Eternal Light Wave we are an insignificant part of.
The narrative groundworks has begun. I've noticed that Egypt is being targeted with posts saying “Egyptian blackmarket arming Hamas.” Maybe Egypt should pretend to be flexible for a while and stop protesting. If you think about it, protesting last time didn't end well.
I'd like to promote Richard Grove if you want to find out all the intrinsic ties that you may otherwise overlook Https://
Mr Dugin, I think what's happening is poison magic on a human scale. The more countries involved the bigger the curse which they hope will create the anti-christ.
Intervista stellare, grandiosa e molto complessa . Da meditare a fondo. Grazie
I believe in light, light is everything! Outside light there isn’t even nothingness, outside light there is only Satanic self destruction of human nature. I am moved for the first time by the words Mr Dugin has been speaking from his very heart concerning the Islamic civilisation and religion. We in the global West have, for centuries now, been kept in complete ignorance of the immense contributions by the Islamic World to Human Development. We may have a glimpse of the real material reasons why the Western Elites have been trying by any means to obliterate Islam. The West and its development has always been dependent on Imperialism. Without knowledge of Imperialism is useless to speak about modern, currents tragic, genocides and wars of plunder waged by the Western Global Imperial Financial adventures all over the world. Russia has by its very historical development the privilege of have always taken into account the numerous ethnic/cultural components of the Russian speaking Nation. Russian arts, from music to architecture, poetry, literature, the very language! May be understood only by knowledge of its great dialectical relation between cultures. The future, if there is going to be any future to Humanity, may be only not just Multipolar Economic Development, it must be Multipolar Polar Cultural,Infinite Light, eternal knowledge. I believe, have always believed only in the Eternal Light Wave we are an insignificant part of.