One can ask what are the accomplishments of this New Right after many decades of it's existence? It is a purely intellectual movement where significant drop in level can be noticed today - where is Alain de Benoist of today? In a field of action it seems like only complete impotence can be noticed, if show-businessman Trump becoming a president of the USA is ignored. Taking Trump seriously in the context of this "new right" is probably a sign of significant dissolution inside this "right".
There is a need to acknowledge that there is no way to achieve renewal starting from scratch. Renewal is only possible with involvement of true traditional structures, which probably exist, but are probably still refusing to get involved, leaving the masses to their own devices. The only relevant idea in this context is "ride the tiger" from Evola, that of "traditionalists" without Tradition. Evola warned against expecting any kind of interesting results from various individual implementations of this idea.
One can ask what are the accomplishments of this New Right after many decades of it's existence? It is a purely intellectual movement where significant drop in level can be noticed today - where is Alain de Benoist of today? In a field of action it seems like only complete impotence can be noticed, if show-businessman Trump becoming a president of the USA is ignored. Taking Trump seriously in the context of this "new right" is probably a sign of significant dissolution inside this "right".
There is a need to acknowledge that there is no way to achieve renewal starting from scratch. Renewal is only possible with involvement of true traditional structures, which probably exist, but are probably still refusing to get involved, leaving the masses to their own devices. The only relevant idea in this context is "ride the tiger" from Evola, that of "traditionalists" without Tradition. Evola warned against expecting any kind of interesting results from various individual implementations of this idea.