I cannot picture Russian philosopher binge-watching on three seasons of 'Twin Peaks'. But then it is a good TV.

There is nothing about the location of the set that implies rural America, the rolling springs and the fact that one of the lodges is more like tourist destination than sustainable living in the woods kinda thing. The series were beautifully constructed in a way to ruin your psychic, there is no logic in Lynch's worldview, he treated moving images in cinema as a canvas, two-dimensional art frozen in space and time on surface versa extended time and space on film. The narrative, the storyline was about the murder, no shame in it - many Dostoevsky novels were in fact detective stories, and he was a man to say who did it upfront.

Lynch's 2001 movie Mulholland Drive is something that stays with you. In 2025 American public is streaming reels on Insta with Mulholland drive on fire. Triumph of reality over imagination...

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Le opere di David Lynch entrano nella mente per rimanerci per molto tempo, come un tarlo. Solo nella notte, nei sogni, negli incubi i suoi film si possono capire, perché li rispecchiano.

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As much as I enjoyed reading your thoughts on 'Twin Peaks', even more did I appreciate observing how you come to understand the underpinnings of Lynch's work. I was never attracted to view the series, deeming it too obtuse and dark. Your considered delving in to the underlying dynamics and currents at play has shifted my level of interest, mostly because you have elucidated its relevancy to our present lived-life and the unseen formative forces at play. Kudos to you Mister Dugin. Well done, sir. (Krys)

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I would love to read Mr. Dugin's explanation of the movie BLUE VELVET. I've watched it three times and it seems like an acid trip with no guide.

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