He’s a libertarian.

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After hearing Mr Dugin conversation with Mr Napolitano, I hold no doubts on asserting that Mr Dugin “Philosophical Forth Theory” springs from a way of thinking called ‘ thinking by Complex’. Objective thinking is completely ignored. Mr Dugin Forth Theory should save us from a Satanic Globalist Ideology. History and the future of Humanity may be saved by stepping back to a Monarchic,Imperial System where the Big Powers will gradually build a multi polar World. People will live a spiritual life nourished by the belief in eternity. What is not surprising is Mr Dugin continuous equation of Communism to Fascism and Globalism. If Russia does exist in XXI CENTURY, is due to the Soviet Union, Communism has never negated the freedom to practice religion. All religious building ,monasteries and their properties were preserved and protected by the Soviets. To believe that Trump is or is going to make a revolution and put an end to the deep state or the deep, deep state is a self delusion. We have already seen that, in practice, he is, they are, preparing the ground for a War against the Russian Federation, sooner than later.

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