Japan’s Awakening in the Great Powers Order
With globalists in decline and multipolarity on the rise, Japan has a rare chance to reclaim its independence.
Japan in Great Powers World Order. Remember the fact that Huntington has put Japan as separate Buddhist civilization in his famous text. That didn't make sense until now. Japan was totally submitted to the left liberal globalist agenda. Now it starts to make sense.
Trump means revolution. In front of Japan (and Japan/Russia) it means
1. He has already said that he is not happy with military aid to Japan.
2. Trump is generally in favor of tradition.
3. No more russophobic. Let put three points together.
Inference for Japan:
1. Less dependence from American liberal globalists.
2. Indirect invitation to restore Japanese traditionalism.
3. Open door for dialogue with Russian traditionalists.
NATO is the other name for International liberal globalist Deep State. In multipolar world it has no meaning. Just obsolete inertia of cold war. Great Powers Order demands new strategy of global security based on poles and zones around them correctly and realistically defined.
Now it is time to think how to Make Japan Great Again. China is great. Japan until now was miserable appendix to globalist system. Occupied country with zero sovereignty. Only shadows of past greatness. Trump gives a chance to change that.
Philosophy is ambush for the realty. History oscillates around the axis of "dogmatic march of things" (J.Parvulesco) - step to the one side, step to the other side. Philosophy waits the moment when reality approaches the ideational axis and then signals: that is.
Old liberalism hated the telos. Freedom prohibits it. Left liberalism is the mixture between liberalism and communism (mostly Trotskyism). That is the core of Right Tech philosophy (r/acc): left liberalism hinders technical progress putting (moral, woke) telos in front.
Tech Right wants to cancel left liberalism because technical progress demands real freedom -- freedom from any telos.
Hegelian end of history (in left reading because there is other authentically hegelian, right/monarchist reading) was introduced into left liberalism artificially by ex-Marxists and Trotskyists - A.Kojev for example. Singularity isn't telos. It is a kind of free market moment.
Comment: Hello, Mr. Dugin. In these changing times, especially with Trump criticizing the deal regarding U.S. protection of Japan as "unfair," how do you think Japan should position itself? Should Japan properly rearm? How would Russia view this matter?
My answer: Japan has now unique chance to awaken and to start to restore its sovereignty. Russia is not innate and absolute enemy of such turn. It could be inscribed in multipolarity totally ignored until now by to docile and submissive (to globalists) Japan.
Yes. Let’s not forget about Japan. Humiliated and controlled by the US Wall Street oligarchy since ww2. Perfect timing to end the NATO tyranny.
Japan would be wise to resolve remaining territorial differences with Russia and forge a strong relationship. Japan lives in a very dangerous neighborhood next to a hungry dragon with which Russia has influence.