Japan would be wise to resolve remaining territorial differences with Russia and forge a strong relationship. Japan lives in a very dangerous neighborhood next to a hungry dragon with which Russia has influence.
Japan is not ready for this, just like Germany is not ready and India is not ready. Albeit each with a somewhat different reason for somewhat different new national roles and goals. Not only is forward thinking a difficult art, but they also have to consider what can happen 4 years from now.
Good point. Only four short years. And then nobody with Trump's world historic vision. All the more reason to move quickly now while the window is open. For me the most famous Japanese patriot of recent times was Yukio Mishima and his self sacrifice honored the heroic Japanese fallen of the pacific war and showed how the Japanese can find the courage to be themselves again. I think Japan is more than ready, you just do not know it, having been seduced and hypnotized by consumerism. The Koreans are in a similar position. The most significant event of the first Trump presidency, by far, was his meeting with Kim Jong Eun. Korea is way past time to reunify and the way forward is quite obvious. Korea must become a constitutional monarchy with KJE as King residing, in his rightful palace, in the heart of Seoul, with southern technocrats running the economy. The details can easily be sorted out. The USA must be thanked and politely asked to leave. India is more complex as it is not really a nation state. They may not be ready, it is true. Germany is more than ready to kick the traitorous shower of liberal globalists out and return to the true German spirit, but just like Japan, they have been hypnotized and emasculated with liberal consumerist mind manipulation.
Interesting post. Thanks. You wrote: Hegelian end of history (in left reading because there is other authentically hegelian, right/monarchist reading) was introduced into left liberalism artificially by ex-Marxists and Trotskyists - A.Kojev for example. Singularity isn't telos. It is a kind of free market moment." - What does "singularity isn't telos. It is a kind of free market" mean? Please expand. I agree about Japan. It has always astonished me that they could apparently forget their history and identity so deeply. Germany is a similar case, slightly, but only slightly, less bad.
Yes. Let’s not forget about Japan. Humiliated and controlled by the US Wall Street oligarchy since ww2. Perfect timing to end the NATO tyranny.
Japan would be wise to resolve remaining territorial differences with Russia and forge a strong relationship. Japan lives in a very dangerous neighborhood next to a hungry dragon with which Russia has influence.
Japan is not ready for this, just like Germany is not ready and India is not ready. Albeit each with a somewhat different reason for somewhat different new national roles and goals. Not only is forward thinking a difficult art, but they also have to consider what can happen 4 years from now.
Good point. Only four short years. And then nobody with Trump's world historic vision. All the more reason to move quickly now while the window is open. For me the most famous Japanese patriot of recent times was Yukio Mishima and his self sacrifice honored the heroic Japanese fallen of the pacific war and showed how the Japanese can find the courage to be themselves again. I think Japan is more than ready, you just do not know it, having been seduced and hypnotized by consumerism. The Koreans are in a similar position. The most significant event of the first Trump presidency, by far, was his meeting with Kim Jong Eun. Korea is way past time to reunify and the way forward is quite obvious. Korea must become a constitutional monarchy with KJE as King residing, in his rightful palace, in the heart of Seoul, with southern technocrats running the economy. The details can easily be sorted out. The USA must be thanked and politely asked to leave. India is more complex as it is not really a nation state. They may not be ready, it is true. Germany is more than ready to kick the traitorous shower of liberal globalists out and return to the true German spirit, but just like Japan, they have been hypnotized and emasculated with liberal consumerist mind manipulation.
Interesting post. Thanks. You wrote: Hegelian end of history (in left reading because there is other authentically hegelian, right/monarchist reading) was introduced into left liberalism artificially by ex-Marxists and Trotskyists - A.Kojev for example. Singularity isn't telos. It is a kind of free market moment." - What does "singularity isn't telos. It is a kind of free market" mean? Please expand. I agree about Japan. It has always astonished me that they could apparently forget their history and identity so deeply. Germany is a similar case, slightly, but only slightly, less bad.