10:25 - “In our [Russian] eyes, Trump is the defender of the traditional values”. I am afraid Mr Dugin could not be more wrong. Here is a random clip of Trump with Jeffrey Epstein


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It will be interesting to see the MAGA nation’s reaction when Trump reneges every one of his campaign “promises.” Of course, anyone who believes a “politician’s” promises is a fool.

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The more things change the more they stay the same...his second term will be a shitstorm disaster just as the first one.

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Russia is enjoying Good, Positive Karma because:

1. Russia was PROTECTING ALL Russophile population of Donbass, subject to GENOCIDE by the ukrainian NAZIS since 2014, the Coup d'État orchestrated and paid (5 Billion in CASH to bribe whoever was needed) by Victoria "Fu.k the EU" Nuland, intensively bombarding civilians day and night, killing 16,000+ people, including 1,500 CHILDREN, according to UN Report.

2. Russia was BETRAYED with the Minsk Accords, signed IN BAD FAITH (because THEN Russia COULD have easily taken the whole of Ukraine in 2 or 3 weeks, unopposed) by Ukraine, France and Germany, as confessed by Poroshenko, Hollande and Merkel, just to have plenty of time to reinforce, train, arm and finance with 100's of Billions the Ukrainian Army to EXTERMINATE the Donbass citizens ("Orcs") and reclaim Crimea. Bad Karma for Ukraine.

3. Russia was BETRAYED by NATO, because ALL major western leaders verbally promised USSR leader Gorbachev "NOT TO MOVE NATO ONE INCH EAST from West Germany" if he allowed Germany REUNIFICATION. Check today's map in see WHERE is NATO now: Bad Karma for NATO. Hence GOOD Karma for Russia.

4. President Putin and Lavrov tried VERY HARD for months, previous to the start of the SMO in Feb/22, to reach a SECURITY AGREEMENT in the whole of Europe, including Russia and Ukraine, to avoid the absolute need of military operations to protect russians in Donbass and avoid NATO within Ukraine, an existential THREAT for Russia, like having Nuclear Armed Russian Forces in Mexico. Extremely serious, well thought out, balanced Security Proposals were handed out by Lavrov to the US and NATO. Both LAUGHED AT them. Bad Karma for the US and NATO.

5. With Russian troops nearly sorrounding Kiev and President Putin longing for a peaceful solution, Zelensky agreed to Peace Talks in Istanbul, March/April/23. Russia and Ukraine reached a SIGNED Principle of Agreement. It was quickly scrapped by Zelensky on marching orders by the US Military Industrial Complex thru its pawns Joe Biden and Boris Johnson. Bad Karma for the US, UK and Boris Johnson. Good Karma for Russia.

6. Russia has been subject to all kinds of wars that the US/NATO/EU could devise to DESTROY, weaken and or desintegrate Russia:

A. Proxy military war in Ukraine since 2014.

B. Economic war, with all kinds and number of SANCTIONS they could imagine, including STEALING the Assets of the Russian Central Bank deposited in Central Banks of the US and the European Union.

C. Cultural war, banning any kind of brilliant Russian Culture represented by Writers, Musicians, Artists, Scientists, Philosophers, ...

D. Even Sportif, banning the participation of any athlete or team of Russia in the Collective West and even the Olympic Committee or FIFA, FIDE, ...

7. Russia has been INVADED by the West of Europe several times:

A. Around 1200 AD by the Teutonic Knights, the most powerful Army by then, sent by the Catholic Pope in a Crusade to EXTERMINATE those Christian Orthodox HERETICS. Only to be severely beaten by Alexander Nevski. Bad Karma for those Knights and the Pope.

B. Around 1610, by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. They occupied  Moscow nearly 2 years. Bad Karma for the Poles and Lithuanians.

C. Napoleon in 1812. Bad Karma for Napoleon after a lot of suffering by the Russian People.

D. Hitler in 1941. Bad Karma for Hitler after more than 20 million Russians killed and unimaginable suffering for years.

Now draw YOUR own conclusion on if Russia DESERVES a very Good Karma.

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What expect from western politicians olygarches and cultural elite? They are all maniacs perverts and psychopaths.

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NOT AN INCH of Ukrainian territory should remain in the hands of the Ukro-NAZIS, whom so truly (epigenetically coded), deeply HATE, despise and are trying so hard to KILL the Russian People.

They are heirs of Stepán Bandera's [The Second World War Genocidal, Nazist Maniac who slaughtered tens of thousands of Gypsies, Poles and Russians he, his followers and Nazis considered "untermesch" or subhumans] ideology, whom they worship, declare Jan 1st as a national day of commemoration for him, and among other things erect monuments to him in at least ten cities:

1. Lviv

2. Ivano-Frankivsk

3. Kolomyia

4. Horodenka

5. Hrabivka (Kalush Raion)

6. Mykytyntsi (Ivano-Frankivsk Municipality)

7. Sniatyn

8. Staryi Uhryniv (Kalush Raion)

9. Tatariv (Nadvirna Raion)

10. Uzyn (Tysmenytsia Raion).

They, fully supported AGAIN by NATO, the US, the European Union and other Vassals of the US (all pushed/bribed by the US MIC, Military Industrial Complex thru the CIA) WILL certainly use it, sooner or later, to ATTACK Russia with their most advanced, lethal weaponry.

That extremely dangerous ideology for the Russian National Security MUST be uprooted !!!

Imho, President Putin is naïvely, repeatedly signaling weakness to ALL those Russian HATERS by repeating over and over, for instance, that the Istanbul signed Pre-Agreements ARE a "good" starting point or "acceptable", or that he is always ready to negotiate with the United States, well known to NEVER keep its promises or even unilaterally BREAK SIGNED Treaties...

Any other than ukrainian unconditional surrender, is, imho, a russian surrender to the Ukro-NAZIS and NATO, meaning all those tens of thousands of russian lives lost did not match their voluntary sacrifice, and that NATO WILL survive, to continue threatening Russia...

Instead, a total ukrainian military defeat will demonstrate to the Collective West how USELESS NATO is, as the Afghan cavemen clearly demonstrated and it will also eventually demonstrate how fake is the Western CIA/MIC western european's citizens brainwashed Mantra that Russia is "set to invade the European Union"...

And if so, then the western europeans perhaps will be able to coexist pacifically with the russians in a win-win manner, as it was happening before the US so successfully managed to profoundly divide them with that Mantra while taking economic advantage of and militarily occupying them.

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I will just add ...

“Another serious challenge to Russia’s identity is linked to events taking place in the world. Here there are both foreign policy and moral aspects. We can see how many of the Euro-Atlantic countries are actually rejecting their roots, including the Christian values that constitute the basis of Western civilisation. They are denying moral principles and all traditional identities: national, cultural, religious and even sexual. They are implementing policies that equate large families with same-sex partnerships, belief in God with the belief in Satan.

The excesses of political correctness have reached the point where people are seriously talking about registering political parties whose aim is to promote paedophilia. People in many European countries are embarrassed or afraid to talk about their religious affiliations. Holidays are abolished or even called something different; their essence is hidden away, as is their moral foundation. And people are aggressively trying to export this model all over the world. I am convinced that this opens a direct path to degradation and primitivism, resulting in a profound demographic and moral crisis.


“Without the values embedded in Christianity and other world religions, without the standards of morality that have taken shape over millennia, people will inevitably lose their human dignity. We consider it natural and right to defend these values. One must respect every minority’s right to be different, but the rights of the majority must not be put into question.”

Extract from:

• President Vladimir Putin at the 10th anniversary meeting of Valdai International Discussion Club in the Novgorod Region, September 19, 2013.


I have no similar dossier on Trump

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You theists should understand that the basis is feudal to enlightenment/Liberal, which is more a reflection of the pre-christian Classical world. Talk about Catholic-feudal Dark Age if you like. Protestantism's fight, the religious wars, are relevant. Not your gospel spouting, bible thumping holy-rolling.

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'theist' - actually, no. I am pointing out that Putin at least talks about and promotes traditional family values and Trump does not. At this point it doesn't matter how you derived those values - they reflect natural law. Please do read Chapter 16 of the Bhagavad Gita, for example.

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Theists, plural not just you in the particular. Maybe I will check-out the B.G.: We read a section in Uni in the 80s in a course called "Irrationality" regarding surrealism. No crap.

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& 1 doesn't require the "good-book" to battle the queer-woke-shite !

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This passage came to mind and I thought you would appreciate it ...

"But veneration is inherent in the human breast. Presently mankind, emerging from intellectual infancy, began to detect absurdity in creation without a Creator, in effects without causes. As yet, however, they did not dare to throw upon a Single Being the whole onus of the world of matter, creation, preservation, and destruction. Man, instinctively impressed by a sense of his own unworthiness, would hopelessly have attempted to conceive the idea of a purely Spiritual Being, omnipotent and omnipresent.

Awestruck by the admirable phenomena and the stupendous powers of Nature, filled with a sentiment of individual weakness, he abandoned himself to a flood of superstitious fears, and prostrated himself before natural objects, inanimate as well as animate. Thus comforted by the sun and fire, benefited by wind and rain, improved by hero and sage, destroyed by wild beasts, dispersed by convulsions of Nature, he fell into a rude, degrading, and cowardly Fetissism, the faith of fear, and the transition state from utter savagery to barbarism."

Sir Richard F Burton - The Jew, the Gypsy and El Islam

(So I guess we are now in the phase of [Abrahamic] barbarism - as witnessed by the events in Palestine, and now Syria.)

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United States of Sodom most be destroyed. Completly destroyed. No survivors. The planet most be saved for Humans.

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What a fantastic dialogue!! Could have gone on much longer. Overall, I think Professor Dugin made better points; and ones that accord with a European long view, rather than the rather more simplistic American view. Wrote some thoughts during:

Disagree with both Mearsheimer and Dugin that the West is "Liberal" [Democratic] - it is not. It is neofeudal under a fake veneer of liberalism, aka neoliberal. As we have seen in the UK, Georgia and Romania, real democracy is dumped as soon as it becomes non-useful. The same will be true of gay rights, womens rights, individual rights, and all the other aspects of Liberalism, because the West IS NOT Liberal, but a fascist Empire.

Disagree with Dugin that Trump is anything like as good as he imagines, he is hoping for too much. Trump only portrays "Conservative values" because his main political base is Protestant Born-Againer Evangelists, he himself has no such ideology. Of course, neither do the Evangelical leadership, they are all corrupt in several ways.

Agree with Dugin that Mearsheimer's analysis is too restricted to the old Imperial system, multipolarity - if able to be born - will radically readjust the entire situation. The Eurasion Heartland the Asians now understand... it may not yet be "In their bones", but it's on the way. Blessed be.

Dugin is absolutely, fundamentally right about the dangers of "Israel", I hope Mearsheimer learned from what he said.

Also more agree with Dugin over the 'poles' - he has a considerably longer view than Mearsheimer.

I wish we could have had an opportunity to hear Dugin's views on "Empire", Mearsheimer was far too limited and rosy-eyed.

Dugin's overall error IMO was believing the West's lies about being "Liberal", and that is its Ideology, although right about the West's ideology being the real danger. But the REAL Ideology of the West is neo-Feudal Empire - they don't really care about whether their Empire has LGBT+ human rights, but in being able to "Suck the wealth from the sands" [And the people].

And Mearsheimer lacks the European long view, he is simply too American for his own good.

But pretty much everything else was excellent! WELL worth the time for all concerned, including the viewers. Already sharing it to several people.

Would love to see Professor Dugin on the Judge Nap circuit, or a dialogue with Alistair Crooke/Craig Murray.

Russia is not as isolated, nor without Western friends, and nor is the West as braindead, as Western corporate media would like to pretend.

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All western politicians olygarches and cultural elite are maniacs perverts and psychopaths.

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Most, nearly all of them. If they weren't before, power corrupts. And power attracts the corruptible.

And "Elite" schools, especially English elite boarding schools, promote that in the victims that pass through them. https://richardbeard.co.uk/2021/08/15/why-public-schoolboys-like-me-and-boris-johnson-arent-fit-to-run-our-country/

At the same time, there's nearly always an element of projection in such comments, if you don't mind my saying. The capacity for such things exists in nearly all of us, under certain circumstances. Few have the certainty that power would not, and could not, corrupt them. But we can all feel morally superior by pointing fingers.

That is not at all intended to exonerate them for their actual horrendous crimes. It is a warning to not fall into the same trap.


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Touching tribute to his daughter Darya.

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Good dual analysis 👍

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If Iran get nuclear weapons then the west should give Ukraine the same weapons.

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Alexander Dugin is a Nazi and nothing else than a Nazi. Shocking that Mearsheimer meet and legitimate a real Nazi.

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John Mearsheimer, Russia do the same as USA. Russia don’t care about the security interests of their neighbors. Why do all of Russia’s neighbors wanna be member of NATO? It’s not because they really want to be a member but it is the threat from Russia which bring this need to these countries. Russia can’t be trusted as we all know how Russia have broken more or less every agreement they have signed up on.

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How is your daughter doing Mr Dugin?

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You care more about trump than about russia more about america than about eurasia you are a hypocrite no suprise you are safe and sound

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Great discussion thank you.

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Hey John M. - What is an "ethnic Ukrainian ? A Silesian ? A Galician ? A Polski ?

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An ethnic Ukrainian is someone born in Ukraine.

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As I thought - NO such thing as an ehnic-Ukrainian.

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