The economic, satanic powers that were manoeuvring the “prodigal son” are the same that have been manoeuvring Ukraine’s Nazi Zionist against The Russian Federation and beyond. Global Finance Capital have, historically, used/use “ prodigal sons” as weapons to realise their Satanic, Zionist project of the “chosen people”, namely, a “Unipolar World Zionist Power “. World War I World WarII, were manoeuvred by London’s Satanic Rothschilds Banker, particularly the Second World War, by using Churchill “prodigal son” to bomb Berlin in order to provoke Hitler to bomb London and put pressure on the USA to intervene in the Second World War. The price the Satanic Rothschilds demanded was that Britain would have to promise on writing to create in Palestine a “ Jewish home Land” . Britain’s Balfour Declaration was , is proving a tragic truth that to this day continues to be the main reason of the Genocide of the Palestinian Nation and the division between the Talmudic and Torah Jewish religious communities. Dugin wishing to welcome the “ prodigal son “ is a wish shared by Humanity. My question: Will Humanity prevail? Will Satanic blood thirsty Finance Capital push Humanity towards the Third World War?

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My goodness. I am in awe of Professor Dugin. His understanding of the dynamic between Russia and Ukraine is profound. As is his sense of humanity. The interviewer is to be commended for her challenging questions as well.

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Please use the translator: Profesor Dugin, ha sido un honor escuchar ésta entrevista en particular. Soy Mexicana y siento una pena profunda por el fallecimiento de su Hija Dasha, he leído su historia y en esta entrevista tocó mi corazón el hecho de que la entrevistadora sea Ukraniana, revelando en Usted sus propias raíces Ukranianas, y sobre todo el dolor que tanto dolor ha dejado en Usted. En Latinoámerica existe una canción que dice: "Sólo le pido a Dios, que la guerra no me sea indiferente, es un monstruo grande y pisa fuerte, toda la dulce inocencia de la gente", cantada por Mercedes Sosa, de Argentina. Gracias por esta entrevista.

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"YMCA" is a song popular in gay clubs. Village People was a gay singing group dressed as honosexuals in the costumes homosexuals were wearing at the time. It's a song about gay men living at the YMCA. YMCA was originally started by traveling Christian businessmen who wanted an alcohol free place to stay while traveling. It became a chain of health clubs with guest rooms. The clienteleof the rooms changed after WWII to a less desireable elemen.. YMCA is no longer for Young Men... and hasn't been Christian in decades.

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Strip away hatred of everything Russian from a Ukrainian, and all that remains is a Russian. Very sad.

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