It is important to notice that almost all of Dugin's books have been banned, i.e., censored, in the US. The highly significant on-line book seller, Amazon, does not allow his books to be available. Other sellers follow suit. (Of course, now, after the exposure of USAID's activities, we know why and how.) This is just the beginning, folks, so fasten your seat belts

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I'm an Orthodox Christian American Hillbilly. I've been Orthodox 20+yrs. Thousands of intelligent, strong, young men -- leaders are Orthodox Christians. The Co-chair of the National Young Republicans is the daughter of a woman baptized by St. John of Shanghai and Sanfrancisco and a Russian Orthodox priest.

Everywhere Orthodox Christianity has come as a missionary movement, it becomes the dominant expression of faith.

That missionary movement is exploding in the USA today, as Future and Current American leaders seek Eternal Truth.

"America will be holy one day. " -- St. Paisios.

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Holy Orthodoxy could be the long term salvation of Christianity in the USA. Traditional Roman Catholicism would be the only other viable option.

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The only problem with Roman Catholicism

is the idolatry… that needs to be shaken off… but that seems to be in the Russian orthodox too.

But Orthodoxy is rising within the Protestant churches too… without praying to Mary and saints.

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That's Protestant, NOT ORTHODOX. Solar Scriptura is the Devil's Theology. You believe Jesus Christ is a liar, that His Church was vanquished or corrupted. Your pride blinds you to your ignorance.

A man can not truly repent until he's learned to love the Holy Theotokos as Christ did. She's the Uncut Mountain in Daniel and the Lady in Rev 12.

Catholic theology makes her a demi-god and warps the Truth. The Truth is she is the example, not the exception.

Study Ancient Christian Martyrs and History and you'll see how wrong you are. The Martyrs will tell you in their own words. We have letters and trial transcripts. We know many of their names. Where are the Martyrs from your man-made tradition?

You're a heretic to believe Christ's Saints and Martyrs are dead.

See Rev 6:9-11

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Once Catholicism pretends that the Holy Spirit can be wrapped in the flesh of a 'pope' anything goes, usually downwards.

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Well that is a good way to draw people in… insult us…this is a bit different than, saved by Faith and Faith alone.

Did Jesus have brothers and sisters or just cousins?

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Well theres still alot people dont know…

Read and be informed.

International Notice from Americans.


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I don't trust Trump. An example? Palestine.

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Tis not really about religion so much as about faith and belief in God .

Check out the book Alcoholics anonymous, one classic of American literature that is a bible.

Another is from RFKjr, the real satanTony fauci, now pardoned. Why he fauci got a pardon?

Belief in God, in a higher power, would trump the vanity of ego, like the big book says.

But can America recover?

We have always been all about genocide here.

Russia looks better every day, as does


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Dear Alexander,

A most wonderful and insightful essay, thoroughly enjoyed, correct on so many levels, the points highlighted so very salient, we live for the day there will be accountability of those who have perpetrated this evil… who have wilfully and knowingly participated in the very worst behaviours that man on man has committed, indeed, man on child, the weakest and most vulnerable amongst us, abused to sate truly indefensible and sick perversions and sexual desires by those who perpetrating and enacting their filth, do so speaking in a completely different tongue… their victims referred to as Avocadoes, Walnuts, Pizza, Hot dogs, such the FBI even at one stage had listed on their website the vernacular’s used by these truly deranged, sick, weirdo’s, alas, sadly for they who have perpetrated this filth, comprised especially of the so called elites, the popular culture icons, Hollywood Stars, Captains of Industry, those with extreme wealth, even those in positions of real power and authority, our law makers as noted only satisfying sexual perversions, but partak8ng of, harvesting Adrenachrome, Organs, some joining the latest craze amongst this subset of the inhumane who have now taken up the ingestion of human flesh, cannibalism, the younger the better… babies especially, stomach churning it is, those who do so ordering their favoured cuts for home delivery, no different to ordering your fare for the family BBQ, indeed, that term now taking on ever more sinister overtones…

Chameleons the entire lot, when not participating in such egregious acts of depravity, they are making, writing, pontificating about the laws they write… rules and laws for thee but not for me or we… thus the aforementioned group of people as noted above are the very worst of humanity, true detritus, filth, who represent evil in its purest form, not qualified to judge as I know we all will be for me, these people are beyond salvation, rehabilitation, find the heaviest millstone and as a yoke, place it around their typically fat neck and drop them into the deepest body of water, there they can await final consummation, true and absolute judgment when weighed in the balances they will be, their lives picked over, every word spoken, thought, action and deed noted… all to be weighed, the result me thinks a foregone conclusion …

It is sickening yet unsurprising for many of us who have long known, suspected, been maligned, derided, denigrated for calling out the abuses we knew instinctively and from closer inspection of who it was fomenting the unrest in so many jurisdictions around the globe, so many Wars, conflicts, regime changes, coups, political assassinations interference in politics in foreign nations, especially led the Western Governments led the U.S, U.K, E.U colonialists imposing their will upon others, no more, the world pushed back, looked to Russia to end this subservience… finally and Russia rising to the challenge asked and put to them by humanity… militarily, technologically, educationally, economically, politically, out producing and out manufacturing the collective West, no longer a pushover, nay, Russia a god fearing nation state refuted all neoliberalism offered, no homo, trans, queer, pedophilic, beastial sexuality forced upon them, their peoples, not for Russia the soft power plays via the pornographers in Hollywood despoiling the future generations, not for Russia acquiescence and rolling over a la 1990-94 Russia when it was stripped, bilked, defrauded out of its resources… the ultimate and ongoing Western Wet Dream that motivates these depraved ghouls…

Thus whilst mother Russia engaged evil militarily, on the battlefield, the souls of the sons of man engaged evil in the ballot box, now focussed upon tearing down the entire edifice that sustained this machinery of evil… USAID, Treasury, the DoD, Dept of Education both next to be sanitised by light being shone upon the darkest recesses and crevices where so much has been buried, these fools, imbued in the frauds perpetrated, alike the Nazis of the moustache challenged Austrian before them, have kept meticulous records, records that were retained predicate the misguided belief they were so clever in their planning and execution, walls built around walls, multiple moats to get through, everything in a maze, yet a small team assembled musk, comprised late teens and early twenty somethings, representative of humanity’s future, in a single night, after down loading their algorithm’s they’d written, unearthed the entire fraud, thirty+ years of grift, ever since the Clinton Administration compromise had occasioned…

One of these youngsters, the youngest PhD to top his Harvard class, one semester from graduating, dropping it all to serve humanity… deferring his completion of thesis and thus graduation … maturity beyond his young years, real smarts…

These people deserve at best Life imprisonment for the death, destruction, wars, conflicts, chaos, regime change, assassinations, coups, the many ten thousands x thousands of widows, fatherless, injured, I’ll educated and illiterate they have via the evil perpetrated created… all done as they spoke in forked tongue, always it seemed we were lied and bull shitted to, these miscreants having perfected the ability to speak out of both sides of their mouth… the hypocrisy and projection completely off of the charts… as noted, jail, imprisonment to good for this filth, a post, wall, staring back at the assembled squad a fitting end, blindfold? What blindfold, let them see it…

Many now including the likes of fattie Robert Kagan will be sweating buckets, sphincter muscles, arseholes going into overtime twitch… sweat running down their cheeks reminiscent of a human Niagara…. sleepless nights befalling them, fitting, as they stress, panic, worry, become fearful of all they know they’ve done becoming known… as it ought be, should be, as is so deserved…

I exhort you to read a wonderful reveal of the DOGE Team in action… follow the link to this outstanding Substack Essay

OVERRIDE The DOGE Team In Action





ex Jessica Rose 08.02.2025 NZPST Filed Colour Coded “YELLOW”

Finally, the reckoning will be swift, brutal, kinetic outcome unavoidable a civil war/unrest,

retribution, justice, call it what you will… it will be the last collective act required of those impacted most before true civility begins and rises again… the Deep State Liberals across the Earth, those who by their actions betrayed their nations and fellow citizens will have justice meted out unto them…by those whom they dared to take from… the slaves rising against the supposed elites, the self anointed masters …. Simul stabunt, simul cadent”,: just as they stand together, so also they will collapse together…. just saying…

Kia Kaha (Stay Strong) from New Zealand

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Just some thoughts dr Dugin.

Nat Socialism did not end, it was ended. By force.

Secondly, Nat Socialism was not against religiosity. On the contrary. But, it ventured into offering back White nations their traditional religion which is polytheism. They viewed Christianity as Judaism by proxy and, in my opinion, rightly so. Yahweh is totally alien to europeans. Maybe Christ as a sun-god hero cult was able to land in Europe, but that was as far as it can ever go.

I would not over-emphasize Trump's presence in world affairs right now. Let's not forget that the sort of collapse we are wittnesing today in the West is by and large the product of Eurasian deep infltration starting maybe from before the bolschevick takeover of 1917.

Lastly, I would turn my eye on Deep Russia and the far-Far East, that has been totally oblivious to this abrahamic mental cocktail up untill today, and lay my hopes on them for a cool minded approach to what the people really need.

Thank you for your time.


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You are right. National Socialism was ended by force - Russian force - at the time reconstituting as the mid-to late period USSR. As for some weird, "Deep Russia" being the answer to anything, look at the Five Eyes and how far they stand from the abyss. 'Deep' and 'Far' exoticism stink of MacKinderism - an extension of The Great Game played by Perfidious Albion and its bastard child the Five Eyes.

As for the "far, Far East" (Vancouver, British Columbia?) and its 'coolness' as an answer I offer this: "If you be neither hot nor cold but lukewarm, you will be spat out."

And by the way, Russia has been Europe for a long time now, in inverse proportion to Europe ceasing to be Europe.

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Was National Socialism indeed ended, or rather pretend ended, because even if it was ended "by force," like the proverbial Hydra its heads, pieces and bits survived and thrived in the Western Ukraine, EU/NATO, Canada, etc., and readily re-surged at the first call.

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Who'd have thought that the wayward, globalist mega power, the USA, would one day be reformed from within the Whitehouse-- and by a billionaire nonetheless, who was a playboy in his younger years? It's quite extraordinary.

Regarding Christianity being the primary means by which the USA is righted. Yes, but with caveats. Shockingly, it was a very specific type of Christianity that destroyed the American nation -- modern, liberal Protestantism. It's emphasis on the here, the now, and material existence coupled with its rejection of the heavenly, the eternal, and the supernatural eroded the biblical worldview of Colonial America. The American Revolution was animated by the spirit of the radical Enlightenment, so brilliant argued by scholars such as Jonathan Israel, and others. The American Enlightenment was a wholesale disavowal of the ancient traditions of European Christan Civilization in general and British Christian Civilization in particular. When the revolutionaries revolted against the British monarch, they were simultaneously rebelling against the God who ordained the king to rule over the nation.

However, this wasn't the first time British subjects with Protestant convictions assaulted their royal ruler.

A hundred plus years before, in the British Isles, the Scots and the English Protestants waged a bloody civil war against another British monarch, Charles I. Their rebellion against God's anointed king cleared the ground of the ancient traditions long enough to usher in the rule of the great usurper, Oliver Cromwell -- an arch Protestant. The British have fought many wars, but none were as destructive to both property and human life as the British Civil War. It was catastrophic. And British Christian Civilization never fully recovered from the rebellion.

If we study the intellectual class of men who furnished the rebels with their ideas, then we begin to see the extreme nature of the British Civil War. History books often portray the Parliamentarians as a type of freedom fighter -- valiantly resistors of the tyranny of King Charles' Personal Rule. They were fighting unfair taxation, the restriction of private enterprise, and religious mandates imposed by an unpopular Archbishop. And while all these complaints have their merit, they tell only part of the story. The Parliamentarians had drank deeply from the well of the worldly philosophers of their day, but not necessarily directly. They had received the new ideas through the mediation of their pastors and preachers, most of whom proudly wore the label of Puritan.

The Puritans desired above all else to purify British Christian Civilization of its religious impurities. They were religious busy bodies who loathed ancient church beliefs, traditions and practices, and were determined to purge the Isles of every trace of Christendom. If you doubt the rabidness of their hatred of ancient Christianity, then study their thoughts on Protestants who they believed were lukewarm. Never forget that Archbishop Laud and King Charles were Protestants who didn't share the extremism of the Puritan Parliamentarians! Thus, the Puritan Parliamentarians fought an internal battle against their own kind! It truly was a battle between brother!

They were revolutionaries who strove with all their might to eradicate the ancient ways from their land. And they were zealous to accomplish their mission with sword, musket, cannon, and gunships. The Parliamentarians were hyper militants.

And the spirit that animated them animated the American Revolutionaries of the 1770s.

So, if we want to see the USA set on the right path, then we should pray to the Lord for a genuine reform -- that is, a return to the origins of their national faith: Christianity according to their British heritage.

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British Christendom was rich, vibrant, and fruitful at one time, producing a bevy of saints across the Isles, including several saints from the royal lines. Some of the best kings of the Anglo-Saxon era were also godly men who were canonized soon after their death -- Alfred, Edmund, Edward. Several queens and other female members of the royal households were also saints. These were men and women who practiced their faith on a regular, daily basis. And they ruled the land while doing so!

The conversion Anglo-Saxon Britain is a truly remarkable story. Within two or three generations, England, Wales, and Scotland were transformed from pagan strongholds to Christian kingdoms. The establishment of national churches was rapid. There continued to be pagan resistance, court intrigues, and political assassinations. Nonetheless, the religion of the three nations became deeply Christian. By the end of the first millennium, the English, Welsh, and Scottish were part of Western Christendom, which was united to Eastern Christendom, which together with other Christian regions, formed Christendom proper.

My point is the American nation that was founded in 1776 was a conscious repudiation of Christendom in general and British Christendom in particular. The American nation borne from the flames of revolution is an innovation, not a return to the ancient ways, but a complete disavowal of the ancient ways. The revolutionaries understood that fact, which is why they described what they founded as 'The American Experiment,' meaning it had never be done before!

If America is to course correct, than the correction must include the errors made when the revolutionaries rebelled against the ancient ways of Christendom.

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A return to American Protestantism is merely a return to the problem. The Protestantism that spawned the American Revolution can not be the solution to the ills that currently plague the American nation. The current ills are the result of the rebellion. Protestantism is essentially *protest* against God's ordained means. God ordained the Church to flourish according to His divine plan. Protestantism essentially rebels against that plan. It does so by rejecting the Church the apostles established, with her ancient worldview, beliefs, and practices.

It's highly significant that the modern Orthodox Church of the East recognizes the English Church of the first millennium as a sister, who is dearly cherished. The historian John Anthony McGuckin shows through a close examination of the historical record that Western Christendon, including the Church in the British Isles, was generally united in essential beliefs and practices with Eastern Christendom for the first thousand years.

Again, the American Revolution that founded the modern state of the USA struck at the root of Christendom.

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Sounds like Zoroastrianism

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Israel is the last gasp of mercantile empire, not the beginning of anything new.

Democrats couldn't carry the next war on Iran with perversion to the Israel Lobby bought the Republican Party at fire sale prices and faced it off with Zionism-a political cult and likely a heresy.

This is not Christianity at all yet, that is how they justify genocide in Gaza-God promised this land to to major real estate developers,,,

Yes, this looks good from teh outside but Netanyahu has said that Trump will back his Greater ISreal and Turmp has as much as acknowledged that the will.

This will be a major war. The regional powers are beginnig to undersand that Israel will wilpe them out too and repopulate their land with US aid.

It's hopeless.

Trump is islotaing America faster than Joe Biden.

It will not end well for us.

If not the Jewish holocaust, the Allied bombing of civilians would be regraded as the worst crime of WW2 which it in fact was, and look who is stil doing it.

This is not the beginning of anything new rather the final episode of the3 world wars, 2 hot and one cold, the last quite possibly nuclear.

We can only hope that some major conventional defeat, like sinking an aircraft carrier, will wake everyone up to the fact that this is not 1989 or even 1945.

The world is far more advanced adn integrated for anythng like that to be anyting but a disaster.

Armies don't fight armies so much as kill or harm civilians.

What is the purpose of that?

Wouldn't we be beter off with no military and no reason to attack us, and rise like HAMAS if we were invaded? Ho wmny times have we seen this insurgent movie?

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You could substitute "liberalism" with 'bolshevism' and the argument would suffer not all. The relationship of both to talmudo-satanism is a family one.

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There already is a "4th" ideology - Indigenous rights and colonialist opression, that sees the race card played again. Spun out of critical race theory, its transforming western societies by demanding "reparations", self-rule, separate laws and "affirmative action" for minority (non-white) cultures- provoking racial hatred and the demolition of the idea of all being equal before the law. Note that in this warped movement, Jews are "white". Even embraced by major religious groups it is a denial of St Pauls words in Galatians: "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus".

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Having put my fate into the hands of a higher power, I can only but agree with you. Unfortunately, the roman Catholic empire, which I believe worships Satan, has its tentacles deeply rooted in Irish society as it does in Spain, Portugal, Italy and much of South America.

Until the day that cesspit known as the Vatican has been destroyed, then the world can truly rejoice.

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I’m new to Alexander’s thinking, but agree with most of his analyst here. It seems to me that the overarching solution to modernity’s catastrophes is decentralization of power/authority. Something like classical libertarianism/voluntarism. As Lord Acton accurately said: “Power corrupts…” It’s human nature. When folks deal with each other on a local level, everything proceeds on a mostly reasonable fashion. As soon as collective power structures are created, the wrong kinds of people gravitate to that power and the issues begin. Belief in a higher power will help ameliorate the negative tendencies and effectiveness of the psychopaths and sociopaths who will always seek to control and “reeducate” other people. Putting it all together in the current context of collapsing liberalism will be fascinating.

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“What the liberals did was a giant social experiment, more terrifying than Nazism and, I do agree absolutely, though is not shocking to see that the so called “Fourth Political Theory “ ideology compares Nazism to Communism! During the Civil War between the Soviets and Whites with the Aristocracy, they too have equaled Communism to Nazism, hiding that they were Nazi and economically backing the War against the Soviet Union. “ Liberalism should be recognised as a criminal extremist ideology”, I do agree, absolutely. “Communists destroyed entire classes, the aristocracy, peasantry, slaughtered believers, cursed national identity and ancient traditions, all in the name of progress” ! Such statements must come from a class of privileged, intellectual aristocracy that is once more fearing the resurgence of Class Struggle! By ignoring that if today there is a powerful Russian Nation that is manly due to the Soviet Union. “ the “Black Book of Communism exists” , and I am afraid, exists too the White Book of the Intellectual Hypocrisy.

“Trump emphasise religion so much” He couldn’t do otherwise, he is a Masonic Nazi Zionist and advocating the Chosen People Genocide of the Palestinians ,only open to plunder the super valuable strategic, gas resources of Palestine’s National Waters.

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Precisely! ….a giant social experiment…

Only psychopaths might come up with such evil ideas and even execute them.

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