We Boers in South Africa have a saying - what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

The status quo in Syria did almost nothing to preserve their own status quo.

IMO Russia acted honourably to assist the above to sort out their difficulties, but they were unprepared to help themselves. To have done more would have been tantamount to neo-colonization and that is not what the movement to a multipolar world is about.

To resist the Democrats/NeoCons from the USA in their impulse to establish a global hegemon is to resist re-colonization. The Global South learnt their lesson during the late 19th century European scramble for Africa.

We Boers in southern Africa resisted the British Empire in the 1899-1902 Boer war.

It is now our Black Africans' turn to stand up and be counted.

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So, if Assad was a “good and decent man” ( there’s no such thing) can you explain his garage full of luxury sports cars? How about his ‘cousins’ high end real estate holdings in Moscow? He’s a gangster, & all his gangster buddies have you convinced that they are a legitimate Government. He came from Paris, Khomeini came from Paris, the President of Georgia comes from Paris. Paris is the Satanic capital of the world (refer latest Olympics)

Putin is Chabad, Zelenskyy is Chabad.

The “good”, Chabad & the ugly

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God in heaven Russia on Earth!!!

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I think most observers, including the author here, keep ignoring the elephant in the room which in the post-war Middle East since the 1947 UN Resolution is the improperly founded and configured State of Israel. Of course there are many complex geopolitical, regional and local cross currents in such an old civilizational matrix, but Israel's condition is unique in world history in that it is funded by an extremely influential diaspora who enjoy considerable influence in the corridors of power of many leading nations, including DC, Manhattan, the City of London, the Kremlin, the Elysee and much, much more. Further, the vision of Israel is based on millennia of eschatological myth-making which has resulted in this relatively tiny population sincerely believing it is their destiny to rule the world, that this has been promised to them by their God who chose them. (Even those many among them who are atheists accept the Chosen premise on some level.) They have demonstrated great patience, cunning, skill and ruthlessness over the centuries but only in the past eighty years have they had their own country. And it has been an ongoing nightmare from Day One. All Arab States rejected the Partition Plan and yet the new post-war world order went ahead anyway as should never have happened.

Anyone who looks at the 1947 proposed partition map (http://www.passia.org/media/filer_public/17/35/1735106c-e496-45d1-9066-a573f98a02d5/pdfresizercom-pdf-crop_12-page-001.jpg) can see the most bizarrely configured boundaries for two neighboring states ever conceived by the mind of man, one obviously doomed to failure (I suspect by design). And the results of this United Nations miscegenation (almost the first product out of the fledgling UN global body) speak for themselves: unending tension, injustice, hostility, cruelty, dissatisfaction, hubris, agony, resentment, anguish and hatred, basically all forms of all lower emotions known to humankind. Israel is many things, among which are a locus of sex and child trafficking, organ trafficking, money laundering and cryptological malfeasance. The Palestinians are reduced to living in restricted enclaves under threat of arrest every day of their lives. All this has been constantly so since 1947.

So we can identify a problem but how many are working to find a solution? That is the rub here including with what just happened in Syria. Leaving aside the criminality and injustice, practically speaking what is a viable solution for the Israel problem which remains unresolved decade after decade?

Simply put: either

1. Palestinians and Israelis become one people living together in harmony following Western democratic models (which have been greatly pushed by diaspora Jews in their midst who encourage plurality, multi-ethnicity, high levels of immigration, 'democracy' and so forth). Or

2. All Palestinians leave and only Jewish Israelis remain. Or

3. All Jews leave and only Palestinians remain.

It seems to me that Israelis cannot accept either 1 or 3 and nobody is going to make them. However, they are willing, and now trying, to make Nr 2 happen. If that transpires, although moving the Palestinians out would be unjust, it would also stop further violence and injustice provided they are given a good 'exile package' helping them relocate in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and the West.

Let us imagine this as done; would this change Israel's behavior in the region and world wide? That is the 64,000 question. Thinking backwards a step or two: has Israel possibly been offering concessions in return for getting a better configured nation state of their own with normalized relations with neighboring countries? Is it possible that the conflicts in Ukraine, Syria, Georgia and elsewhere are neocon-engendered negotiations along the lines of 'give us what we want - which is Israel free of Palestinians and with better territory in the North and North East - and we will stop meddling in your internal affairs (in DC and election interferences of all sorts, in the Kremlin, in Paris, London and Berlin) endlessly demanding so much attention, financial support and deference?

What if a deal like this is in the works? Is it possible to consider that Israel is negotiating for a way to settle their unending restlessness in the Middle East and that, if they get much of what they want, they might finally stop stirring up conflict throughout all spheres where they currently enjoy considerable - and many say excessive - influence?

Just an idea...

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Good reasoning, but like the guys from Duran channel said multiple times, the collective Western world has no reverse gear since 1945. Or early 19th century era of greed and expansion and looting of the uncivilized.will they ever stop? No ...unless red nuclear response button is pressed. UN is useless toothless joke and cradle of globalist corruption.

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Currently the biggest and unsolvable problem "their power to destroy is immense"

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And a trap is a trap.

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Agreed…it’s the only thing that makes sense. This could possibly be the end of all war. A new Pax Romana. They’re murdering oligarchs in the U.S., the rats are fleeing the sinking Ukrainian ship…cook up some extra popcorn, the show is only getting started. Peace by Christmas?🙏

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There was no such thing as "Pax Romana". Europe WAS at peace, and the most prosperous and civilised it has ever been, before the barbarians of Rome destroyed the continent, and imposed their bloodsucking psychopathy.

Europe has never recovered, and we are still in their grip today, which is exactly why all these atrocities are occurring and continuing.

Everyone wants to be the New Rome, and the grotesque Emperor.

Rome - the idea, not the city per se - needs defeating. It sucked the beauty of the Age of Pisces, and by its end had destroyed 9/10s of the globe, leaving hundreds of millions, if not billions of dead in its wake, and all the survivors traumatised to copy the same behaviour.

As Philip K Dick called it; "The Black Iron Prison".

Russia, and China, are to some extent refusing to follow this path, and therein lies SOME hope. Perhaps the Age of Aquarius may indeed not rise over a devastated World, but a multipolar world of equals, as Europe was before Rome, and Africa, the Americas.

May the paranoid psychopathic urge to DOMinate be left behind us all, before it kills us all.

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Yes, indeed. The others are too busy recycling old explanations and narratives to see this🥱

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The dominos will fall in order to get Greater Israel in The middle East chessboard It is a matter of time when Iran would be on the menu for further Greater Israel expansion to become one axis of dominance or state terrorism, probably joined by Ukraine. Same cabal and forever wars textbook example.

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Russia and China must prepare to assist Iran. That culture can not be destroyed!

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The constructive forces are always stronger than the destructive ones. The regional heavy weights will have to relook at their strategic trajectory and act to seize the initiative.

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What's Syria?

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No one else than Syrians lost. They will be under sharia law and looks they love it and we should respect that even if it means to send country into stoneage. Meanwile Alqaeda friends take Syrian territories, jews and turks. The kurds are to be exterminated americans as usual will turn their's back to they's previous allies kurds and will give a shit because the objective is done and they need get focus on next target to be destroyed Iran. That will not be easy but americans and jews do have nukes and can use them to spreed democracy and human rigths of course.

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It’s better to loose Syria than to loose Eastern Ukraine and Russia.

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It appears suspicious that the Syrian Army left the stage without being ordered to do so

It was right Russia left, for now, we have all the throat cutters in one place, easier to handle

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I never cared about “who is alexander dugin anyway” i never cared because i was careless and stubborn and ignorant and selfish because i thought that there is never going to be a value in the world that can not be replaced but i didnt understand the value of humans

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I put forward a note before which want anything but mocking and full of anger

Probably you are as angry and as sad as me only a 100 times more in intensity i cant say iam feeling very bad for sure

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This is a very good assessment of the situation in Syria and it's fall to terrorist proxies.

But in my humble opinion, this is but an opening chess-move. Gaza, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Egypt are all now targets for Western and Zionist expansion. Syria, under CIA directed Islamic State, hangs like a Sword of Damocles over the heads of all of the rulers in the Middle East.

The fighting in Syria (what little there was) has barely ceased and already movements are beginning towards Iraq and both Yemen and Iran are threatened by airstrikes. There seems little hope that Gaza (and perhaps Lebanon also) will avoid being annexed into Greater Israel.

Iran is now isolated in the region and although strong, it will not stand alone indefinitely. If Saudi Arabia comes under attack, or more prudently, falls back under the Petro-Dollar umbrella to save itself, the majority of the Middle East's oil fields return to Western control. This may not overly concern Russia, but it must be of great concern to China who acquires much of their oil and other strategic resources from the Middle East and Africa.

Syria's loss is a harrowing tragedy on many levels, but what follows may become global in scope.

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