Terrorism's Hidden Architects: Soros, USAID, and Liberal Elites
The true enemy isn’t the West as a whole, but the liberal-globalist elite. With U.S. populists rising, the real war now centers on Europe.
Here is the shortest diagram of global terrorism:
Ukraine ⬅️ LIBERAL-GLOBALISTS ➡️ Islamism. Moreover, the ideological basis is precisely LIBERALISM, while Ukrainian Nazism and Islamic fundamentalism are tools. Soros structures and USAID are the driving belts.
The relocation of the center of the global Liberal International, the headquarters of world terrorism, is currently underway—from the USA to the European Union. The process is in full swing.
And note: — In the USA, liberal-globalists are now in opposition, while populists and patriots are in power; — In Europe, populists and patriots are in opposition, while liberal-globalists are still in power for now.
We are fighting terrorism, not the West. And if the USA ceases to be the center of the Liberal International, the war with them automatically ends. With Europe, on the contrary, it is flaring up. But not with all of it—Orbán, Fico, Vučić, and even Meloni are not in this camp.
Nor are European populists and patriots.
This means we are not simply at war with the West (subtract the USA), nor even with Europe, since from it we must also subtract Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia, and Italy, as well as the European peoples themselves.
And especially the populists who are in radical opposition to the ruling liberal terrorist junta.
So, what remains after these subtractions from what was recently a united and cohesive "collective West" is what we might have to fight against. But this is now, theoretically, a quite manageable task.
The victims here are we, the millions of oppressed and voiceless europeans. We want these elites and the entire 5th column exposed for what they really are and punished in the harshest manner to the last person responsible no matter how far back into the past. And we are more than willing to take up this task along with the help of our Eurasian friends. Peace without justice is just not possible. And as we greeks say: Ύβρις - Άτη - Νέμεσις.
For years in the USA Patriots went around the country speaking about the globalists and the One World Order.HenryLamb,Phoebie Cortney,Dr Michael Cofeman , Alex Newman and many others.The Un brought in UN Agenda 21 now 2030 this went local and is everywhere in America sometowns cities resisted the sustainable global Scam. We are still fighting against it. I started reading and listening to you about a year ago for I have freinds who are Russian.I was told by the Globalist Rino Republicans your where a commie spy!! Crazy thank you for you woken me up.Many blessingsand prays for your daughter