The victims here are we, the millions of oppressed and voiceless europeans. We want these elites and the entire 5th column exposed for what they really are and punished in the harshest manner to the last person responsible no matter how far back into the past. And we are more than willing to take up this task along with the help of our Eurasian friends. Peace without justice is just not possible. And as we greeks say: Ύβρις - Άτη - Νέμεσις.

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For years in the USA Patriots went around the country speaking about the globalists and the One World Order.HenryLamb,Phoebie Cortney,Dr Michael Cofeman , Alex Newman and many others.The Un brought in UN Agenda 21 now 2030 this went local and is everywhere in America sometowns cities resisted the sustainable global Scam. We are still fighting against it. I started reading and listening to you about a year ago for I have freinds who are Russian.I was told by the Globalist Rino Republicans your where a commie spy!! Crazy thank you for you woken me up.Many blessingsand prays for your daughter

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Good response, subscribed.

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Leftist globalists within NATO (Starmer, Macron)are trying to drag the United States into a never-ending war and ignite world war three. Trump is not going to get dragged into this militarily. There was no war between Russia and Ukraine when Trump was president, because Trump was unambiguous in his opposition to Ukraine being a member.

NATO has repeatedly infringed on Russia’s security and sovereignty by expanding the alliance, with six NATO members currently on Russia’s border They were provoked into attacking Ukraine, because of loose talk by the Biden administration about Ukraine having the right to join NATO.

And to those warmongers in the United States, who believe we should continue to send billions of dollars to Ukraine, how would they feel if several countries bordering or near America were funded military by an anti-American alliance? Would they not be bothered by that?

The military industrial complex needs a bogeyman to keep the money flowing, and in this case they have made Russia and Putin the bogeyman. Russia has never attacked the United States and the Soviet Union was an ally in World War II. And given NATO’s continued expansion and hostilities towards Putin, Russia has shown restraint.

The best solution to ending the Russia. Ukraine war is a simple and direct one: the US and Russia need to normalize and restore relations as soon as possible.

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Good response, subscribed.

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Russia above all simply needs to stop the war and go back to the internationally recognized borders. How complicated is that? Stop the killing!

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From Ireland's perspective, a country totally under globalists control, politically, next weeks meeting between our prime minister Michael Martin and Trump at the White House will be very interesting.

Corporate America controls Ireland economically as everyone knows. Therefore we have a real clash between globalism and reality, albeit on a small scale geopolitically speaking, yet, should our prime minister arrive back home preaching world peace and Ireland's neutrality, then it's fair to say that reality will win out eventually throughout Europe.

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"Limited liability, International, Corporations", are an evil scourge in every country. The should be destroyed and never allowed to reform. But, so many weak and greedy people get crumbs from their table???

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Good response, subscribed.

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Agree 100% it is fractured, threshing, the beast is at its most dangerous, whilst there has been a semblance of victory Stateside, we need to remain vigilant, the tyrants have a long history… centuries of destabilising, of long gestated evil schemes all designed with the architecture to enrich, to ensure greater concentrations of power… they will not readily surrender, nay, they will fight harder, thus the world is entering a period of real risk, tempered the peace and prosperity to follow if we can truly defeat the fascist tyrants, ending the dreams of their fifth Reich, these bloviaters extraordinaire, talking garbage incessantly.. getting hard ons over war, death, destruction, they are evil personified but now at their most dangerous… I remain confident Trump, Putin, Xie will destroy them… the key is the fiscal fiat monetary system, an entirely new architecture of the monetary system.. thus, is it coincidence the machinations playing out the LMBA, Comex, BOE and Gold? I think not… just saying..

Kia Kaha typically from NZ … but temporarily from Sydney Australia

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Right view and exposition. Let us see how desesperate is the global elite ruling EU, and if Macron, Duda, Scholz-Metz, and Starmer will send openly troops for Ukrania...

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Could it be that we up against an economic structure that permits extreme wealth accumulation by the few and thus they have the power to lord it over the many? Could we be up against the need for clarity as to the principles and policies of a local to global economic system that is both Free AND Fair? Beyond the old left and right? Out of the box of monopoly capitalism? I would love to talk with you about this. Perhaps you might be on my The New View podcast that gets posted on Rumble? Here is brief bio, my email: alannahartzok@gmail.com

Alanna Hartzok is Administrative Director and a United Nations NGO Representative for the International Union for Land Value Taxation where she helps administer land value tax implementation projects on all five continents. She is the author of The Earth Belongs to Everyone which received the Radical Middle Book Award.

In 2011 she received the International Earth Day Award from the Earth Society Foundation. Her E.F. Schumacher Lecture is titled Democracy, Earth Rights and the Next Economy.

Alanna initiated tax reform legislation, that passed with a nearly unanimous vote, enabling the nearly 1000 towns of Pennsylvania to shift their tax base off of buildings and onto land value.

Her articles are referenced in the Association of Bay Area Governments, the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, Dialogues (the Canada West Foundation) and in books, including The Natural Wealth of Nations and Creating a Sustainable World. She was featured in Planet Champions: Adventures in Saving the World.

Twice she has been a congressional candidate for her district of Pennsylvania.

Video "Economics of Peace and Earth Rights Democracy" at the 4th Summit of the Global Alliance for Ministries and Departments of Peace


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If Russia stopped lobbing bombs against women and children i. Ukraine, we’d have the circumstances under which we could have a fruitful discussion about liberalism. Until that happens, it’s not only idle talk but cynical in the face of the horrendous suffering of innocent people.

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Your side of neo-lib spooks and "regime change," and proxy wars has already lost, stuff it Euro-crat apologist. Your side caused a million people in Ukraine to pointlessly die to preserve the fiction of a unified Ukraine, when the reality is Crimea and Dobbas voted to leave as a response to Azov Battalion terrorism and scuttling the Minsk Accords. Ironically you would have gotten a much better deal if you would have stuck with peace and the Minsk Accords, but greed as ever drives your side.

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No reason to get nasty now. I hear what you are saying. I also hear it all the time from pro-Putin folks in Europe. But I do not hear it from Russian friends who are ashamed that their president thinks nothing of lobbing bombs at women and children, killing and raping them, stealing children, torturing POWs. It's not even about "neo-lib spooks" (who are they anyway?) and other fancy labels. It is simply about reality on the ground, and the reality right now is not pretty, it is horrible for the people there who are losing their lives and limbs in the defense of their country. It's about life and death, and who does the killing and who gets killed. Those who kill are not the good guys, hint, hint, and those who get killed need our help and solidarity. It really is that simple. Forget the labels; they don't heal wounds, they don't even wipe off the tears of mothers losing their sons to the grand vision of Dugan and co.

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LOL, who is Victoria Nuland and the Azov Battalion? They started this whole ball rolling with their 2014 putsch, and then attempted ethnic cleaning of the Donbas. So forgive me if I have zero sympathy that the ball is now crushing them.

Also totally not interested in your tone policing I am an old hand and know all the tricks, stuff it.

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You really are not interested in polite conversation, are you.

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With war mongers who support globalist bureaucracy? Hell no, I have mad respect for Trump who bluntly called out Zelinsky and then had him escorted out by armed guards. Politeness is fiction that conceals more than it reveals.

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Trump and Vance were berating Zelensky for defending his country. That’s sick.

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The war mongers reside in the Kremlin. Check the facts.

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You are doing it again. You sound just like him. You had to know him like the back of your hand. Know that the trojan horse virus would bring the believers into your camp after I released the East German virus “from MIT.” You saw his signature almost immediately. Well, less than 48 hours subtract your best agent who did gain the warhead firing codes.

Always wondered if more than the one that was used got out before he was briefly cased? Did he release more than the one that signed his death warrant?

No bother, the recently retired head of the chaplaincy corps seemed non plussed when he learned that none of those abuses were remaining when he took the time to show up at that little church I was attending for hearing confessions. But I am letting you know because bringing him up, the one you had to read in anything that he managed to get to your sector agency, had you thinking like him. He is dead and his best protege has few of his, uhh, best traits.

Was that yours right now at my door? Is the dire wolf outside? Forget him, he is gone. Move on. You don't want to remember his “better” traits. Weren’t all of his traits always better? That's not you - forget him.

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This is odd. Why are you running interference for the other half of the American domestic politic? The Republicans have supported all of these things over the decades, from the voice of America, USAID, NED.. and proxy terrorism... even yourself has written there is not any significant difference.

This is not some grand change to the empires praxis, just as they call.. a pivot. Plus, all the domestic middle men who are being terminated and the fat trimmed off really isn't about changing the empire as it is about resetting the economy and financial structure since it is crumbling due to debt. They cannot milk the cow any longer so they are butchering it and selling it as steak.

While it is true the war is shifting , the face of the enemy remains the same. Although, I could see how Russia may want to kiss one side of the ass cheek , perhaps that is what you are doing even though I thought you were above such performances.

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If there ever had been "Real Terrorists" then the targets and the effects would have been quite different. At this point in the conflict between 'Good and Evil', I am fearing for the safety of the people living around the Gulf of Finland. St Petersburg, Tallinn, Stockholm, and Kaliningrad, could all be at risk of an "Artificial tsunami"??

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The globalists have been projecting their ideology across the globe for a very, very long time. I would argue centuries

The American Revolution, French Revolution, the Russian Revolutions were inspired, in large measure, by the ideals of the Enlightenment. Yes, they each had their own take on those ideals, but they all rose from the same seed: a Kantian-Hegelian spirit of a united brotherhood. Lots more could be said about this statement. Dugin's survey of the history of ideas and his review of key philosophers was a major factor that woke me up to this view.

The point is, Enlightenment is the fountainhead of global theory and practice.

In various ways, each of the revolutions I cited were a response to the Enlightenment. Making war on those who stand in the way of mankind's progress is a hallmark of the Enlightenment mentality. The American colonists waged war on the institution of the British monarchy, on the ancient regime of the aristocracy, and on traditional Christianity. The French Revolution accelerated the regime change, deliberately targeting the old institutions and methodically destroying them root and branch. It was the origins of the current movement known as Cancel Culture.

For a 18th century interpretation of the globalist revolution that was beginning to sweep across continental Europe, read Edmund Burke. He was the arch conservative, who commented on the catastrophic effects of the mindset that inflamed the revolutionaries. At one point, Britain listened to Burke and his clarion call of warning. Remember, Wellington and Nelson went to war to halt the progress of the French Revolution as it was embodied in Napoleon; Wellington by land and Nelson by sea ended Napoleon's war on traditional civilization.

Read Tolstoy and Dostoevsky for Russian interpretations of 19th century globalism. Tolstoy chronicled the effect that globalism had on Russian society and culture; Dostoevsky commented on its effect on the psyche

I could go on and on

Ladies and gentlemen, the point is, the current iteration of liberal globalism is a grandchild of the Enlightenment.

In a nutshell, we in the West made a Faustian bargain with Mephistopheles. We sold our traditions, religion, and old ways for worldly power and treasures. We became the princes of power and wealth, technology and science, military might and global hegemony. But the price was our everlasting souls. As the West gained more and more worldly power, traditional religion and faith diminished, withered, or retreated.

Finally, some of us are waking up to the problem and its ideological source

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Mr. Dugin, thank you for showing us the benefits of multi-polarity for so many years in your writing. I truly believe without you that the populist re-alignment in the U.S. wouldn't be as grounded in a serious geo-politics as it is now. Even ex-ne-con Marco Rubio speaks of multipolarity now, it is truly an amazing thing to behold.

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Even if this were true, no one wants to live under oligarchs with fixed elections and fascist laws

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