To ignore the major role Finance Capital plays in current or relatively past Nations’ Economic Policies, means to ignore the very fabric of Capitalist Production. The mode of production and reproduction of the means necessary to life, have been since the creation of private property, Capitalist Production. The Soviets tried and the Chinese too a socialist based Mode of Production but didn’t last long. Humanity, I am sure, won’t stagnate forever within the present Mode of Production.

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I’ve seen my country’s industry go to the dogs with the growth of globalism. Better to have a job and we pay a bit more than suffer the consequences of the loss of the middle class ( like America over the last 50 years), the working class become an idle class, and eventually the growth of reactive too far right peoples and governments. Get rid of globalism!

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I believe that, as a practical matter, there is no sovereignty other than economic sovereignty. Yes, there are notions of political and legal sovereignty - every country has borders after all - but these are merely add-ons which are underpinned by economic sovereignty.

It's not black and white of course. Every country trades with other countries and by and large that's just fine. Simply trading with another country does not make a nation economically dependent on the other country. Nor is there a clear line where economic dependency starts and ends. Moreover wherever that dependency might be will change over time.

National sovereignty is utterly dependent on economic factors, because no nation can withstand outside forces without the resources to protect and enhance their sovereignty. Without them you're a sitting duck as it were.

You have to look at sovereignty in a holistic way. Multiple conditions must be present for sovereignty to exist. But none of those conditions is more important than economic sovereignty. Without it, your country is destined to fail.

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Exactly what has happened to Europe., and sadly also to Canada.

As for "Borders", they are useless if there is no one willing to defend them.

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Globalization and Financialization in the 'Modern Era', have nearly mooted "Economic Nationalism".

In a world where scores of Multinational Corporations and very Wealthy Individuals, have more economic power than once sovereign countries, there is little focus on improving the lives of Citizens. These weaker countries are often subverted to the financial or ideological interests of foreigners. In a Just Civilization, a Nation's wealth would be measured by the welbeing and standard of living of its people, rather than the wealth of its leaders and oligarchs.

The trampling of the traditional values of loyalty and history has left only a lust for money, without any culture.

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