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The collapse of Syria earlier than expected or even prepared for indicates western intelligence agencies haven’t totally gone to pot, not that I agree with the underlying premise behind this move(s).

I agree with both gentlemen, a Russo/American collaboration is in both countries interests.

China needs expansions and the American military has not collapsed to the point where this can happen without devastating consequences across the board. In either case logistically China will need resources and it more convenient to move north into Russia in a land movement than expand into the pacific with an untested navy or air force for that matter.

These current affairs are driven by European interests, whether it’s Syria and the NG pipeline that’s planed to go through it, or Ukraine, the breadbasket of Europe and its potential oil fields.

Conditions were trying to be set to absorb Russia and its resources before China, IMO.

The European influence on American policy is detrimental to both America & Russia, both of which hold vast amounts of resources themselves, while sharing a cultural heritage, albeit the American population is just re awakening to it.

Don’t mistake my opinion for blind trust, Russia’s communist past was brutal and regressive but contrarily the Russians were actually formative to the creation of America, with their intentional inaction during our revolution, heavy lifting during the 2nd World War.

I’ve rambled enough but my final thoughts are China is the threat, if you cannot keep over a billion people content, you can’t retain power and this means expansion as history would dictate.

All this is in the absence of a global financial collapse or a RE emerging Ottoman Empire.

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