How reconcile multipolarity with trumpism? It is not clear yet. Among trumpists there are those who can agree with that and those who are against. Neocons don’t take part in trumpism directly (being globalists) but their influence is still present.
American leadership is not the same thing as unipolarity and still less the synonym of liberal globalism. There are different ways to achieve it. Some of them don’t contradict multipolarity. Some of them do.
Most intriguing thing is what ideology Trump is going to present to US and the world. He has to propose something really new and attractive. Until now there are only hints, allusions. But old liberal globalist ideology is over.
We can suggest that Trump will chose pragmatism. But pragmatism is elaborated (and very American indeed) philosophy. It has its ontology and ethics, its political applications and practical consequences. Pragmatism is ideology. It is not pragmatically.
Pragmatism is not pragmatical. It is a kind of phenomenology. It matches well to realism. Realism as well is political philosophy and a sort of ideology. It is exciting to follow this emergence of ideological trumpism.
Pragmatism is based on non-prescription. The things are as they are not as they should be. So there is no strong law neither for subject nor for object. Just process of making. Constant reality check and reality creating.
Elon Musk is now trying to replace the prescriptive totalitarian strategy of liberal legacy media with pragmatic realism of unbiased and uncontrolled social services - serves as example. Non- prescription can be one of the foundations of trumpism.
To see Mr Musk as someone pragmatic equals as not knowing his objective way of thinking, his history, family history and his complete submission to Nazi Zionism. He is of the most cunning nature and has payed for Trump’s expenses for its election. Any one currently hoping about what will happen next, ignore that USA,Zionists and most of the industrialised Nation need War: the Third World War.
I think that united States of sodom will keep it's empire ideology with trump or without trump basically nothing will change only small talk will increase. All internal problems will not be fixed particularly the ones related to healthcare and education and military industrial complex. And I'm not talking about american debt and dedolarisation that i hope will increase.