I am not a fan of this "AI Dugin". 50% of the reason for watching a Dugin interview is to hear his accent

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AI not good representing DUGIN´S voice, pls. let it be Dugin with its own voice!……

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Hah hah-- Well it's clear that Dugin knows more than YOU do-- l.o.l.🤣🤣🤣

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Actually I will look forward to hearing my native Russian tongue.

No need to bother hearing bad English spoken by a fake voice if tis so.

I do think too much admiration of trump only feeds his ego.

My life was destroyed by ScKamala Harris in SF killafornia when I ran against Gruesome Gavin Gruesome Newsom, I got solitary isolation.

Do you think US Assholes In Despair paid for this?

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I am religiously conservative where family values, traditions, culture, and religion play a up lifting role in my day to day life, having these four principles held dear at heart gives me moral obligation to walk the path with a moral conscience but at the same time strive not to be deceived by unwise wishful thinkers, I don't particularly aline myself with trumps policy's but I'm grateful the globalist athius agenda has rapidly declined.

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I'm not seeing this myself yet. But I trust Dugin’s greater experience.

I support Trump now that he's POTUS. Trump's leading the way back to true conservatism, albeit still outside the extreme borders of biblical morality. But heading in the right direction finally.

The Western “christians“ who voted Trump remain lagging still mired in Inverted Christianity aka Pure Satanism per Dugin's blog just 2 months ago.

Come on Western “christians“ , your leader is pointing the way back to sanity. You can do it!!

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Your comment makes no sense. American Christian (Western) Zionists are the problem, not Christians in general it is Zionism itself who originally in 1948's Nakba created the huge festering cancer that has metastasized throughout the Middle East to the point of apartheid state evolving into a genocidal one.

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Alice in Wonderland.

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This morning I'm looking up at an obvious chemtrail. If Trump's goal is MAGA, how do chemtrails fit? When chemtrails stop, when their perpetrators are arrested, when they hang Beebie, Bidens, Killary, et al, I will feel confidence. Until then sadly, Mr. Dugin's talk sounds like "hopium" to me.

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I wish you were correct, but the whole world is just AI now, isn't it.

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I hope that the Trump rejection of globalism and wokism stick once he is gone. The problem is convincing the US to stop wanting to dominate the world through political interference and regime change operations, and with military violence instead of diplomacy. US foreign policy has been deeply hypocritical and dishonest for so long, yet the average US citizen still thinks they are helping the world. The savior / indispensable nation illusion is still strong.

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love you!!!

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We rejected our surveillance state, our politicians, and our bureaucracies.

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Sorry to be dense, but how does this work? “Simply type your script to get started.”

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Methinks it's an advertisement for the AI that was used to create an English-language video from a Russian-language video. He can't write in English, let alone speak it.

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DESTROYING globalist liberalism from within? not at all

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