Communism failed.

Liberalism also failed...

Perhaps the Chinese kind of "Socialism", a mixture of firm State control of the Economy with as many freedoms as possible, to take into account the unavoidable Selfish human nature.

Seems like the Chinese have discovered, after millennia of socio-economic experiments, a good combination of the best of both failed models...

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After socialism and liberalism both failed to predict the future and got themselves burning, maybe the next stop should be "humanism" by which I mean resolving the problems around we humans, rather than moving humans through the inevitable historical trends into certain pre-defined destinations. The human species most likely will terminate some day in the future for unknown reasons. But until that day, we shall let the aggregate humankind drive rather than letting a few intellectuals drive the whole of humankind to the destinations they think humans should be.

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Futurism has failed with Mussolini and Hitler. Trump-Futurism will soon end. Trump if he care about his life(and he does) has no choice than following Biden path.

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US and USSR began at opposite ends of the economic spectrum but end as oligrachies equally detached from reality and over extended. (Micheal Rechtenwald)

The Soviets entered Afghanistan under the aegis of "never again will man exploit man" and wound up with a war they had to win for no other reason than to avoid losing it.

America is doing something similar by overthrowing "dictators" and spreading democracy in the Middle East cum "fighting anti-Semitism"which is only an even more tyrannical, capricious and exploitative version of the domestic regime, looting at home as abroad.

Economic collapse will be our fate as well.

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Well, Yes!

The Second Coming of Trump has imploded Liberal Americans aka "Democrats" as well as "RINOs" because neither party knows their own history i.e. that the Republican Party was never conservative to begin with.

In fact, the Democrats were the conservatives until the parties joined into the "Uniparty" in 1896 during the Progressive Movement which implemented state control of just about everything in pursuit of business "capitalist" efficiency. It was amateurish and collapsed after WW1 only to be revived during WW2 as FDR's "New Deal", FDR having been a Wilson acolyte.

Today, we have Trump promising "no foreign wars" as FDR did as well as major Reforms while pivoting from the War n Ukraine to another War for ISrael iaw with the "Clean Break" idea to remake the Middle East in the wake of 911 in which Trump has played his part, bombing Syria in 2017, and supporting Turkey in Syria and threatening Iran today.

FDR similarly provoked Pearl Harbor notabley embargoing Japan's oil imports.

In fact, Trump may well have been installed by the Israel Lobby which controls both parties after HAMAS Oct 7 2023 attack. Until then, Niki Haley was the preferred GOP candidate but by Jan 2024 and GOP primaries the need for another charismatic leader was becoming clear. Hitler's rise in 1933 provoked similar political changes in Isolationist-"Return to Normalcy" Republican America at the time along with the Great Depression which may well be on our deficit spending horizon viza vie BRICS. A similar imperial trade war had also erupted by 1993.

Food fetish a "pietiesm" were also facets of Republicans, 1854 and 2024. The Abolitionist campaign has its moral equivalent today : "anti-Semtism". Bot are irrtaional and admit no discussion other than"right" or "wrong".

However, most Americans see the world much like Abraham Lincoln and our Civil War: the Liberation Myth: and never mind that Reconstruction was a disaster and failed as did the efforts to remake Iraq and Afghanistan. No one remembers what happend after Appomattox Court House i.e. win the war, lose the peace.

The multi-polar world maybe a Confedearcy of "states rights" today,however it is much more powerful and Trump is no Lincoln.

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Alexander, do you actually think there is much of a difference between the left and the right in the USA?

It seems to me that the ultimate decision makers are the bankers that control both sides. Soros controls the left & Adelson controls the right... both of them are known to work for Rothschild.

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Brilliant and incisive. If anything, the nonstandard English helps to emphasise the points.  The post-liberal future is here. Totally unknown. Unpredicted.

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Good analysis 👍

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I need more explanation about how Trump isn't just liberalism without excessive corruption and over-the-top ideology arising out of control fantasies - control peoples' minds, control the whole world. They are not wrong that if they could do such a thing they would realize totalitarian control, but they are wrong that such a thing is either easy or realistically possible for more than a very short period (early bolshevicks).

For isn't Making America Great Again just an attempt to make the old liberal dream finally work? Or are there too many different meanings for the word liberal and I mean it differently from you, Sir?

As far as I can tell, both MAGA, China and Russia are primarily materialist still - philosophically speaking in that 'we are all only of physical matter born'. Russia's great partner China goes on and on about modernization as if it was still the 1920's. Look at their latest 100,000,000 city. Looks like a computer chip. Is this progress? Really? Where is Russia headed with digital currency and ID and surveillance. Can she survive without a gifted Strong Man Leader like Putin? Same with Trump, a force of nature. What happens in four years?

What are the main philosophical underpinnings of the main civilization states who will form a multipolar world order? Please elucidate more.

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yes, we can see this clearly, liberalism is over in the USA and it didn't sit well in Russia

as for the future, we must be wary of AI in the wrong hands it can destroy humanit

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The situation has been leading to multi polar world

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Trump the Mule.

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