I am not so optimistic ! I am afraid that Macron + UK + the new German MERZ (coming strait from Blackrock) did not say their last word. Personally, I work on the idea of quitting NATO, EU and Euro + splitting Northern-Europe from South-Europe inn order to form a confederal NORDEUROPA going independantly in the steps op Hanseatic League, from Bruges to Novgorod ! More on my website : www.Nordlandia.nl

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Ukraine is finished, that is a fact. Sadly there will be more death and destruction until Putin pushes as far west and he needs to in order to create a comfortable buffer zone. He has no interest in Kiev. Poland, Romania, and Hungary will get what remains.

At best Ukraine remains a de facto government. Reading comments here shows what ignorant hateful fucks these people are. They act and think as though Putin wants to rule over people that hate him. Completely void of logic. They also have no fucking clue about the logistics of war and that Russia doesn't even have rail lines that could run a few miles into Poland.

NATO? They performed their largest exercise in its history last year........90K total and that includes logistical support, rear positions and medical to care for killed and injured soldiers. What a fucking joke. The head of Centcom in Europe General Cavoli while busy trying to navigate the movement of Military Equipment through the European Shengen ( Who said he's having an extremely hard time with this daunting task) claims the Russian Army is 15% larger than when the SMO first began.

And that's without dragging people off the street which I've seen far to many heartbreaking clips of. The extremely left leaning New York Times reported last month that at the current rate of attrition where Ukraine losing far more than they can replace said by late spring to mid summer they wont have enough troops to fight.

Good fucking luck Europe while you rob your people of services taxing the living hell out of it's citizens and cutting services while you go broke. Never mind the de industrialization, the once powerhouse of the European economy (Germany) in recession, and believing the fantasy world of all green energy.

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Ty Mr. Dugin!

Your insight keeps my perspective current and focused.

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Well said - Ukraine is about to pass go with out collecting $200. Sad that so many people has to pay for this but can be blame on administrations that are still stuck in the 1950's. I really enjoyed the interview thank you for posting.

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Dugin? How's your daughter? Did you cremater her burn up the body (so her toxic poison can't hurt others) or eat it cannibal style, you fucking gourmet.

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Thanks for your post Dr Alexander Dugin. Excellent analysis. I studied Sociology under Dr Gillian Rose - neo Hegelian sociologist of knowledge - in the 80s in the UK. I watched your interview with Glenn Greenwald. A pleasure to see an intelligent unbiased journalist interview a genuine, influential, intellectual about present history. I cannot recall the last time I saw that in the west. Maybe never. Indeed I do not think western politicians are even aware that they need intellectuals to help them understand things. They seem to prefer lawyers and bankers. They are sadly neither very intelligent nor very well educated. I agree with your view that the highest cultural structure is civilization and that civilizations are not all the same and should respect each other. I have recently been reading Will Durant's Story of Civilization and recommend it, if you have not already read it. He makes a similar argument. By the way, your English is excellent. What a pity we in the west are such bad linguists. You wrote: "What has taken place now is a true Conservative Revolution that has turned the ideology and policy of the U.S. 180 degrees. And, as a result, it has shifted the geopolitical landscape." I agree. A real turning point in world history. The USA appears to have two, or maybe three competing ideologies. One is originated with the religious exiles and heretics who went to the USA for religious freedom. Trump comes from this group. The second is - as you said - the relativist globalist liberalism of the eastern and western cities mad to create a new world order disconnected from history. The third is organized crime. For me, what needs to happen at this pivotal point, is the entrenchment of this older and better American conservative ideology. Full support for Trump's better instincts. This ideology is the better America. The end of the Ukrainian civil war with security for all. After that a solution in the Middle East. Trump has touched on this recently. Like him, it occurred to me a long time ago, that money is probably the best practical answer. Another key aspect will be proper respect for, communication with, and appreciation of, China and India as well. The west must grow up and stop believing that clever tricks with machines makes it paramount among civilizations. If these things can happen, and I hope they can, then the End of War in our time, becomes a possibility. A future based of the mutual respect of civilizations beckons where historical and cultural values are retained from long ago and transmitted to future generations through education not based only on science and memory tests and cultures respect each other's different points and view. Thanks again for your post.

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Analisi perfetta e condivisibile, come sempre, il Professore Dugin, mente lucida e’ perfetta.

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Damn Professor, that’s some serious shit. I am pleased with our presidents performance so far and I am sorry about the Ukraine situation it’s just not good for anyone. Hoping we can bring this matter to an end soon.

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I have stopped to hope long ago, hope, is a prostitute and goes with anyone! “ Ukraine ( a part of Russia, restructured by the Globalists into an unti- Russia for reasons only they understand) “ . “ but power has changed hands “? Superficially , indeed, seems Power has changed hands. From my homunculus point of view, Concrete Power still within the same Global Financial Elites, and they need a devastating War against the Russian Federation and, its partition into vassal states. Impossible? I wish so but not without winning on the battlefield and , backed by the real believers in Humanity and its Laws. Trillions have been invested in Ukraine and around the World in order to get the Russia out of the Globalist way or drive a wage between Russia and China once more. Wait and see!

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Zelenski ha ricevuto il ben servito dalla amministrazione Trump come si meritava. Trump ha fatto vedere in mondovisione che uomo è stato sovvenzionato per anni dai democrativi, e gli americani hanno capito che sono stati raggirati , sono stati presi in giro dalla feccia democratica. Ora i premier europei dovranno riposizionarsi se non vogliono mandare a gambe all'aria le proprie nazioni.

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Mai dimentichiamo, chi ha causato il "golpe" nell' 2014 e chi ha scelto quel criminale commediante Zionista come presidente: Victoria Nuland, Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs un'altra Zionista Americana.

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dude whose daughter went splatter and turned into hot ketchup on the roadside is gonna tell usall about Finnished lol

How's your daughter? You know, the corpse?

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What kind of a man replies to the other about the other’s murdered daughter in such a disgusting way? There is no such man, as such words are unbecoming of anything even close to worthy of the title “man.”

Your words are more suited to one who carries the family name, Barofsoapawitz, kin to rats like Nuland, Zelensky, Blinken, and Soros.

If that is the case, it explains your seeming lack of ability to engage in critique of ideas rather than personal attacks against those who actually have them.

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Jews spew like that out their racist holes all over maggot body

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your seething antisemitism is lol

Konigsburg bleibt DEUTSCH!

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We can meet up in person any time for your ass kicking, you little worm.

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Seething? That is laughable. You’re just a little shit talker. A man secure in his strength has no need to run his mouth like a little bitch.

Learn from the advice. That way you don’t come off so weak. It’s pathetic and makes me feel sorry for you. Poor thing.

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awww… izzums cant hatesie waitsee da jews?

izzums special shortbus militaria operatziya three years and noto three days?

izzums u useful iddiy widdy didee idiyot for da muscovite mafia


poka, sukha! Smert tebe. :)

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“If you are willing to look at another person’s behavior toward you as a reflection of the state of their relationship with themselves rather than a statement about your value as a person, then you will, over a period of time cease to react at all.”

― Yogi Bhajan

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aka how to be a total fucking narcissist

when people react badly to you - maybe it's because you're a shitty person?

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If you have such strong convictions, maybe you could volunteer to trade places with one of these unfortunate souls?


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how long till Putin tosses you out a window? Useful idiots sometimes outlive their usefulness.

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sure thing narcissist the world rotates around your asshole

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Is this Dugin for real? That is what I want to know.

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why wouldn't it be? he's not that famous, plenty of other people figured out he's batshit crazy and is putin's useful idiot. so he has limited reach because national bolshevism is a really stupid idea. He's fun to laugh at especially because -1 dochka.

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Always expect the Jew to ad the worst possible take on anthing the depths of slime.

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You are particularly stupid.

I'm German. As in NOT Jewish.

But You? YOU are Russian. Smert tebe, sukha.

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