A most wonderful account and summation and collection of thoughts resulting the events in Riyadh and prior to that, as occurred the Munich Security Conference… the same impact the fraudulent, cross dressing NAZI pervert, Elinskyy, he who made illegal the use of the letter “Z”, negotiating with Putin indeed peace itself, go figure, talk about tie yourself in your own Gordian knot… as for making illegal the use of the letter “Z” well. What can one say… seriously, he must truly hanker to be known as some ordinary joker, Mr John Smith perhaps 😂😂😂😂 makes you wonder.

The greatest result of the past week has been witnessing the palpable panic, the fear amongst these tough talking belligerents in Europe, these warmongers extraordinaire as they continue speaking the absolute non sensical, the inane, their banal rhetoric knowing no bounds, at least we did not nor were assaulted the same from the loudest amongst them, the Baltic wannabe’s.. I mean, who isn’t sick of listening to their abject self deluded crap.. their threats and bellicosity predicate the swagger of the friends of the bully, weak themselves, cowards, with nothing to offer but ever so happy to throw their weight around sheltering as they are behind the skirts of mummy, the shadow of their bigger mate, the bully, doing so gleefully until the bully is no longer, Only to then find themselves bereft of support, as naked they stand truly exposed, their once threatening trope haunting them, staying with them like the halo of brown excrement it presents as and represents.. the past week, save the moronic Kaja Kallas E.U foreign minister an equally tepid and lightweight by definition of intellect as her predecessor the gardener Borrell, yep, to think the E.U surely couldn’t do any worse than jungle Josep, then along comes Kallas, grief mediocrity truly is rewarded with serious appointment by the kleptocracy in Brussels and to think we think they represent oligarchs, most you’d expect to have some semblance of intellect to have established such wealth, but alas it seems and one could be forgiven for thinking such wealth of these privileged Oligarchs who ultimately control these clowns, that their fortune can be considered to have been borne on the back of questionable endeavour, palm greasing, fraud, corruption on unprecedented scale, a lot of baksheesh involved… nothing would surprise me, rhence why so many fools it seems rise to the top, rewarded for failure and sheer incompetence, true malfeasance an assured means of rising to the top, in no other world but this faux world environment of these deluded war mongers would such errant behaviour and truly despotic results be rewarded… as I said truly mind boggling…

Alas that is the world we had, that pray, we are exiting from, soon to leave behind, it is hoped these vampires all consume themselves, freeing us in the process, what a delight it is to watch them now fight and argue amongst themselves not sure where to next, which move to make, whose move it is… it seems for the first time in five centuries these criminals are on the ropes, their facade crumbling, their lies revealed, the fiscal industrial scale fraud uncovered unprecedented, their greed knowing no bounds, so why not… why not orchestrate a fraud, laundering numbers so big, that no one would believe it possible, yet that’s exactly what they have done…

These criminals should never nor deserve to know peace, they need to be called out, to be called and held to account, stripped of illicit wealth, essentially repaying all of it, every last penny, take it all from them, return their ill gotten to whence it was stolen from, then arrest and charge them.

Likewise the pervert NAZI, needs to be arrested with his entourage, delivered to Russia, tried, sentenced, made an example of, a precedent set, in order never ever again will the world have to be subjected to such vile, evil, illicit behaviour, behaviour that has broken every international norm, law, convention, yet despite this, the cries of mainstreet media here in the West, especially that of CNN, MSNBC, together many others in that space, comprising the compromised, they who sold out… bought and paid for by CISA, USAID, that occupy the so called “media space”, standing in defiance of all we now know, that Trump and his Team reveal… in short defending the indefensible… like I have noted, these people, now have surrounding them the stench of shit… turn them all into dung hills, never ever forgotten, to be ridiculed the rest of their miserable lives.

Just saying…

Kia Kaha (Stay Strong) from New Zealand

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Well put. Thanks.

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Five centuries? It goes back further. Probably to Eve’s apple. I’m no religious nutter, yet can’t help but make that conclusion. But stay tuned, there’s more coming in this vein.

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Thank you Martin,

Mate, I understand your quip, but not all nor everyone who believes in God are nutters, indeed, I adhere absolutely to creation, that there is a God, but I can assure you, whilst I embrace such belief, the same faith and absolute belief defining me, who I am, I can unequivocally assure you I’m no “nutter”… similarly as noted, I get the point you were making, unfortunately zealots exist in every sphere, take Fauci, Daszak et al and those like them who propagated and advocated the “science” during the recent U.S DoD, USAID, NIH, NIAID and EcoHealth fomented and orchestrated COVID Scamdemic, nutters and abject sociopaths the entire lot of them… certainly they could be adjudged such merely their incessant self deluded lies, the fraud they perpetrated… with each passing day the disclosures once alluded to as “conspiracy” being proven as fact, even the CIA recently stating the virus was man made originating from a lab…yet those liars swore black and blue it was natural… a pangolin, wet market origin 😂😂😂 all bullshit we know, actually many of us knew, had deduced..

Add to that lot of reprobates those who denigrate, deride, malign, and advance symptoms of being truly psychotic whenever Donald J Trump’s name is merely mentioned, truly deluded, suffering a definite mental illness.. nutters akin the 1.23% of the U.S population suffering from a dysphoria that the U.S Association of Psychiatrists and Mental Health Professionals a decade ago declared that a mental illness.. yet Transgender zealots abound and demand the unnatural, the unattainable yep nutters exist everywhere, guess the trick is to indulge and abide them just as we expect they do us… until their intolerance becomes such that a reaction is required, justified in order to rebalance what has become imbalanced… I’m sure you get my drift … just saying… Kia Kaha (stay strong) from New Zealand

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Believe or not believe...It's not about whether one believes in the Creator. Even these comments are "created". Anyone even with a small measure of intelligence knows that in order for something to exist, it must be "created". It's irrelevant what one believes. Its elementary and yet ppl still debate whether there is a Creator or not 🙄

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Jeez, and here I was thinking that playing piano with one’s schlong, and prancing on stage in stilettos was a proper prerequisite for being a sober statesman.

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"It must be noted that we are dealing with an entirely different America..."

It would be a grave mistake to believe that. Russia is dealing with a different

American administration, not a different America as a whole. It's a very different administration admittedly and that offers some hope for rapprochement, but all the forces that were driving America up until 2024 are still there. They haven't even been sidelined let alone vanquished. What's more, it's not even clear that Trump isn't just a new host in the Deep State's ongoing reality show. Time alone will tell.

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Russia's been making very Grave mistakes for three years now, and will keep making many more Grave mistakes. I have 200 or even 300 reasons to prove it.

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Why do you think Russia has been making those mistakes?

Why are you predicting it will make many more?

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Because these people, Turnip and Putlier, they are both thoroughly corrupt and utterly dishonest, thus they will betray each other, act in confused and self-contradictory ways. To lie effectively one must believe the lie: result? Confusion, a lack of unity between thoughts and actions. They will fall apart and then go at each others' throats.

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I see T and P are making an effort to end the unnecessary and thoroughly preventable war. That is good. But what are those grave mistakes that Russia has been making during the last three years?

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Trump was allowed to win. Isn't it a sign of an entirely different America?

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I would say at this point we can only conclude that the difference, if there really is one, is a correlation, not causation.

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EU NATO political and moral or intellectual midgets are in panic, but in The manner of thoroughly trained Davos globalist cult puppets none of those fools have reverse gear.

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Well well, here we are again, the Russians and Americans fighting the nazis. I still don’t trust you guys but where our interest coincide we should cooperate. I am encouraged by these meetings.

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What USA is doing in the Russia's backyard?

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Trump is doing what Ayn Rand has been advocating for eighty years. Finally we get a real leader.

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So glad to see someone recognising that. It always struck me the ghouls the West has had for leaders over the last few decades are exactly the the mediocre pieces of shit she warned about in Atlas Shrugged.

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"a sucker is born every minute" -Barnum

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Also recall that Zelensky was central to the Demonrats first "Impeachment" of President Trump, because Trump asked for confirmation of Biden's corrupt dealings there.

If it looks like Zelensky will be taken, his UK handlers and "bodyguards" will leave him like Hitler, and few will mourn. Certainly not the families of the 1,000,000+ dead conscripted Ukrainians, who would still be alive if he'd lived up to the initialled agreement in Istanbul. Now I hope the Russian intel services get their hands on BloJo, for sure. And whoever was behind the Bucha and so many other Ukie atrocities.

I also hope that Russia demands Odessa in any deal, too. NATO must not be allowed to start all this up again in a few years.

Trump can still hang the Demonrats and neocons out to dry, rather than making it HIS war, but he'll have to end it very soon.

I hope Putin's team does not cut from China however, in desire for a deal, leaving China to face the US Empire alone. Eurasia has to stand together, or they will fall apart.

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Hi substacks, I’ll be posting here frequently — so follow along to stay up to date, follow and subscribe

The cabals can't win us we must keep reviling the truth

Join me : https://substack.com/@pascalnajadi0

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How rude just to add an advert, rather than any thoughts so we know where you are coming from. I will NOT be subscribing, thank you.

Edit: "The cabals can't win us we must keep reviling the truth"

Actually, I tend not to like people who revile truth. Call it a bias.

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Great post Alexander ; very informative; I hope a Putin takes revenge for your daughter’s death; it was a tragedy ; and a crime

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Trump is from the NYC streets. JD Vance comes from a lineage of Hillbillies that is similar to Hillbilly Nobility.

America just greenlighted anyone killing Zelensky. Is it only we American Hillbillies and Street operators who understand that?

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дочка дугина, как дела? )

We know all you can do is lie and pretend.

Game over. Poka, sukha.

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I can recall the following article :


It highlights the presence of many foreign generals as beingg active in Ukraine.

Given the involvement of many generals - the first thing that appears is that Zelensky has been wrongly portrayed. He exclusively appears in media, alone, as a leader, the alone leader fighting for his country.

He appears, in media, as being "the man in charge". But on another hand we see four, five foreign generals - all NATO

There is duplicity at the level of Zelensky's presidential role. At the very best, we may reasonably expect to see those guys around him, counseling him, etc. But we don't. We never did. And so Zelensky, in 90% of the medias, has been featuring as "alone". This is problematic.

At some point, what becomes obvious is that he may actually not be running the country - and I would go as far as to wonder if he even sees the light of the presidential office. Can it be else?

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Great article!

Thank you professor dugin!

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Very well said...

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