Zelensky’s Downfall
Alexander Dugin describes the Riyadh negotiations as a significant breakthrough, highlighting that the new American administration’s openness has allowed Russia to clearly present, and more!
The Riyadh negotiations are, unequivocally, a breakthrough. Even the composition of the negotiators, among whom, for example, the American side lacked the somewhat clumsy and tough Kellogg, speaks volumes. Trump sent those people to the negotiations who are most capable of understanding and hearing Russia’s position, and then conveying it to him personally.
It seems that Trump himself is very pleased with the initial results of the negotiations. The Russian side expresses cautious optimism. Clearly, no specific plan for resolving the Ukrainian issue has been discussed yet. However, it appears that our excellent group, led by Ushakov and Lavrov, has for the first time objectively, calmly, and with reasoned arguments conveyed the Russian position to the Americans. This is indeed a novelty, as there had been no negotiations previously, and Russia’s position in the US was conveyed in a completely distorted form. Therefore, this is not just a breakthrough but a monumental one.

It must be noted that we are dealing with an entirely different America, with an ideology diametrically opposed to that of the previous administration, as well as Obama, and even Bush Jr. and Clinton. For the first time in decades, perhaps longer, America has embarked on a completely different course. It is very important that these negotiations have likely made it clear that Russia and Putin have much in common with this America.
Therefore, I believe that the results of the first negotiations are very positive. I think the Russian side, among a variety of positions, clearly stated the unsuitability of Zelensky as a participant in the negotiations, logically citing his complete illegitimacy and ineffectiveness. And Trump clearly endorsed this, immediately after the first negotiations, stating that support for Zelensky in Ukraine is no more than 4%. Consequently, his participation in the negotiation process with Russia cannot occur. And this means that Zelensky has been dismissed by the US, and there will be elections in Ukraine.
Naturally, Zelensky began to panic. He bet on the Democrats, effectively participating in Kamala Harris’ campaign, and the Trumpists will neither forget nor forgive him for this. Accordingly, he has now aligned himself with the most aggressive Russophobic European leaders, who are now also panicking because their main support in the form of American globalists has collapsed. They do not know what to do, and they vacillate from one extreme to another: either they will send troops to Ukraine to fight Russia, as Starmer and Macron said, or not, as Macron is now saying.
Consequently, European globalists are now experiencing a manic-depressive psychosis, panic, and even agony. They realize that they now need to fight on two fronts. Both with us and with Trumpist America, which has effectively declared an ideological war on Europe: either they change their political leadership or they should blame themselves. Regarding their puppet Zelensky, whose main support has been knocked out from under him, his situation is simply catastrophic.
I do not think that Zelensky himself is mentally inadequate. Of course, it is not for me to judge, a thorough psychiatric examination is needed here. And when he ends up in our hands (and he will undoubtedly end up in our hands) and is tried for war crimes against Russia and the Ukrainian people, then we will find out whether he is ill or suffering from an addiction. As, for example, can now be determined about Saakashvili.
For now, I see in Zelensky’s words and actions the quite logical behavior of a person who has been written off. He apparently really believed in his role as a sovereign ruler and continues to play it to this day. Although, of course, he was never truly a sovereign ruler. But this role has come to an end; he can no longer play it — like an actor who has been dismissed from the cast. Yes, he tries to make some dramatic gestures, wringing his hands, saying that he will go to Riyadh and barge into these negotiations himself. Then he says: no, something went wrong, they won’t let me in. And although he continues to exploit the crisis for personal gain, it is already obvious to everyone: Zelensky is finished.
As for Ukraine, it is too early to talk about its future. The negotiations are just beginning, although it is already clear that elections must take place in Ukraine. The manner in which the elections will be conducted remains uncertain, particularly since artificially boosting Zelensky’s popularity beyond Trump’s assertion of only 4% support could prove to be a costly affair. Therefore, I think Ukrainian oligarchs and politicians have already rushed to Trump asking him to grant them a mandate to manage Ukraine on any terms, promising him anything.
So the obvious result of the first round of negotiations is the end of the Zelensky regime. But this, of course, does not mean that we have won. We need to continue our efforts, as victory will obviously not be gifted to us by Trump. But with Zelensky, it seems, it is all over.
A most wonderful account and summation and collection of thoughts resulting the events in Riyadh and prior to that, as occurred the Munich Security Conference… the same impact the fraudulent, cross dressing NAZI pervert, Elinskyy, he who made illegal the use of the letter “Z”, negotiating with Putin indeed peace itself, go figure, talk about tie yourself in your own Gordian knot… as for making illegal the use of the letter “Z” well. What can one say… seriously, he must truly hanker to be known as some ordinary joker, Mr John Smith perhaps 😂😂😂😂 makes you wonder.
The greatest result of the past week has been witnessing the palpable panic, the fear amongst these tough talking belligerents in Europe, these warmongers extraordinaire as they continue speaking the absolute non sensical, the inane, their banal rhetoric knowing no bounds, at least we did not nor were assaulted the same from the loudest amongst them, the Baltic wannabe’s.. I mean, who isn’t sick of listening to their abject self deluded crap.. their threats and bellicosity predicate the swagger of the friends of the bully, weak themselves, cowards, with nothing to offer but ever so happy to throw their weight around sheltering as they are behind the skirts of mummy, the shadow of their bigger mate, the bully, doing so gleefully until the bully is no longer, Only to then find themselves bereft of support, as naked they stand truly exposed, their once threatening trope haunting them, staying with them like the halo of brown excrement it presents as and represents.. the past week, save the moronic Kaja Kallas E.U foreign minister an equally tepid and lightweight by definition of intellect as her predecessor the gardener Borrell, yep, to think the E.U surely couldn’t do any worse than jungle Josep, then along comes Kallas, grief mediocrity truly is rewarded with serious appointment by the kleptocracy in Brussels and to think we think they represent oligarchs, most you’d expect to have some semblance of intellect to have established such wealth, but alas it seems and one could be forgiven for thinking such wealth of these privileged Oligarchs who ultimately control these clowns, that their fortune can be considered to have been borne on the back of questionable endeavour, palm greasing, fraud, corruption on unprecedented scale, a lot of baksheesh involved… nothing would surprise me, rhence why so many fools it seems rise to the top, rewarded for failure and sheer incompetence, true malfeasance an assured means of rising to the top, in no other world but this faux world environment of these deluded war mongers would such errant behaviour and truly despotic results be rewarded… as I said truly mind boggling…
Alas that is the world we had, that pray, we are exiting from, soon to leave behind, it is hoped these vampires all consume themselves, freeing us in the process, what a delight it is to watch them now fight and argue amongst themselves not sure where to next, which move to make, whose move it is… it seems for the first time in five centuries these criminals are on the ropes, their facade crumbling, their lies revealed, the fiscal industrial scale fraud uncovered unprecedented, their greed knowing no bounds, so why not… why not orchestrate a fraud, laundering numbers so big, that no one would believe it possible, yet that’s exactly what they have done…
These criminals should never nor deserve to know peace, they need to be called out, to be called and held to account, stripped of illicit wealth, essentially repaying all of it, every last penny, take it all from them, return their ill gotten to whence it was stolen from, then arrest and charge them.
Likewise the pervert NAZI, needs to be arrested with his entourage, delivered to Russia, tried, sentenced, made an example of, a precedent set, in order never ever again will the world have to be subjected to such vile, evil, illicit behaviour, behaviour that has broken every international norm, law, convention, yet despite this, the cries of mainstreet media here in the West, especially that of CNN, MSNBC, together many others in that space, comprising the compromised, they who sold out… bought and paid for by CISA, USAID, that occupy the so called “media space”, standing in defiance of all we now know, that Trump and his Team reveal… in short defending the indefensible… like I have noted, these people, now have surrounding them the stench of shit… turn them all into dung hills, never ever forgotten, to be ridiculed the rest of their miserable lives.
Just saying…
Kia Kaha (Stay Strong) from New Zealand
Jeez, and here I was thinking that playing piano with one’s schlong, and prancing on stage in stilettos was a proper prerequisite for being a sober statesman.