Thank you for presenting this work in such an academic and stoic manner.

For many your loss will remain intact. She clearly shows that the urging of individual freedom can not be restrained by all but the most violent and antihuman acts.

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Lord have mercy,


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You know, as an European I have to tell you something.

When a child I would travel to Germany from France (example). As soon as the border is passed, the building style changes. The language changes, the whole culture too, and the money changes completely.

You would then go to Italy. In a split second, you would meet a country very much into "the arts" - the buildings are kind of decayed. It's very warm, it's more in the South. People, there, are more in to some lazy Mediterranean idea. They take things very calmly. There is no rush! It's really another world.

Spain, Switzerland, Portugal, Beligum etc - the differences are sharp - super sharp. An union could be possible only at a very specific level. But uniting the people looks like impossible - and not a good idea. You would destroy who they are.

I believe you understand what I mean. I am a big fan of Daria's work. I believe that her considerations are valid but that they may be applied inside the countries and remain at this level only. When she speaks of the ideologies being rejected, and which polarization is best to adopt, I do believe that overall it would work for many of those countries. In so I am not refuting Daria's ideas at all!

But the European Union has been precisely been trying to unite those countries - and it did much damage. The result has been the uniformization of global capitalism - the negative aspect of it. I suppose that what they did is what you have been saying - that European natives were NOT merchants. And its' precisely where it has been headed.

Spain and all the countries were great and invaluably interesting while they were independant because it gave them the strength of pursuing on their own road and culture. It stopped towards an uniformization. That's what I see. It was like a sane competition and nobody was "better than another". Germans were squared people and good car builders BUT Italians were more easy-going. "French were more free in mood and had big cathedrals" (but had big mouths).

In comparison of Russia - very very small countries. Very small and all different!

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Expecting something sensible from the cleptocrats of EU and NATO is futile approach, these idiots have no reverse gear.

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What a brilliant light she was to have such a deeply wise and penetrating understanding of political philosophies and realities! And such an agonizing tragedy to have her life cut short by the harsh violence of aspects of those same realities.

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May this give blossom to a legacy of freedom and human flourishing that lasts forever into the future….

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Creo que el enfoque de Daría Dugina es revelador. En mi comprensión sobre ésta presentación, proyecto mi pensamiento en la forma de gobernar del o de los individuos. Dónde se infringe toda regla del bienestar social o de los pueblos. Imponiendo la diatriba e hipocresía que les permite verse como fascistas a los derechos y que es el camino de Europa, etc.

Que en la actualidad es una realidad en Europa, pero que también sin decirlo se presenta en América y el mundo.Un pensamiento anacrónico a nuestra actualidad, de los "derechos"

Entre otras cosas, visualizo el empeño de disfrazarse y ser un disruptor de la armonía entre naturaleza y el hombre. Usando pensamientos que van más allá de la desgracia para imponer su odiosa y perversa práctica deshumanizadora.

Cuando se habla de los "derechosos" y conocer sus actos, me conmina a usar mi sentido común, el más común de mis sentidos para desglozar esa perspectiva sobre la identidad continental desde la nueva derecha ("Derechosos").

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There are many individual countries in Europe but there is not a state called Europe

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this is interesting, the way Europe has shifted and is on a downward slope is seen

by the EU which disregards states in Europe for a common culture and is a mistake

that causes "out flagging" of individual local culture. The idea of a united Europe is not

the way forward

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How much? I have always wanted to understand the French right or left

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