Constantin von Hoffmeister talks with Alexander Dugin about the current state of Eurasianism and multipolarity, Guillaume Faye’s concept of Eurosiberia and more. Dec 19, 2023
2. 17m - 32min. I agree completely with your characterisation of the stupidity and wrongheadedness of western/'White' racism and supremacy... although this notion of "Killing people" with other ideas was hopefully some knee-jerk emotionalism. If some Eurasian-philosophy person was wandering around in the West promoting Eurasianism, or Africanism, and was attacked by Western White supremacists, I would certainly wade in to save them. To paraphrase Vance, if a few thousand disagreers cannot be tolerated, then that society is brittle indeed.
There is an obvious contradiction between your expressed values re 'We must accept every cultural vision' and your totalitarian insistence that "Russia is Christian". So everywhere else must explore every subculture with love (As is correct), but alone in Russia there will be ONE enforced culture, that cannot change. How can you not see this inherent contradiction?
Plato etc are NOT "The basis for Western Civilisation", they were Greeks, and far to the edge of European culture. The TRUE basis for Western Civilisation were the Druids of North Western Europe, who held together a relatively peaceful and stable civilisation for thousands of years prior to the revolting Roman trash annihilating all the older European civilisations. Just as the later European empires consciously modelled on them did too to 80% of the World. The British Empire alone killed nearly 200,000,000 humans during its global reign of terror. When the Romans invaded Gaul, they killed a 1/3rd of the population, and took another 1/3rd back as slaves to be slaughtered in vast "re-enactments" in the arenas. They burned every city, town and village to the ground, and built their own structures on the ruins. And they wrote the histories. The Gauls/Celts used a base 60 calendar, just as the Sumerians did. Strangely, none of their descendants are aware of this feat. We just see the remarkable stone megaliths, aligned precisely to astronomical measurements, and assume this was almost pot-luck.
Quite confusing answer to the question regarding different religious traditions. "God" ultimately should be regarded as a synonym for "Consciousness". It is Consciousness that has created the World, we are made in the image of Consciousness, truly if something happens without a consciousness to observe it, it does not happen. (A tree actually has consciousness, or else that common example would be valid). Without consciousness, the QM probabilities do not converge into a realism.
All of the religious traditions are merely human power structures, nothing more nor less. All the traditions are just human prejudices, codified and generationally transmitted. You are right to see that to Know God, is to transcend those human-imposed limits. Including the hatred of homosexuality, women, sexuality, intelligence, so common amongst "believers" of many current traditions.
Once again you wish the right to impose your own views on your own society, while saying that for all the others, this is a wrongful act.
As I said, I agree with you about the existence of the soul, and you expressed very well the dangers of Western Materialism, and the darkness into which it has lead denying this fact.
Immortal to some extent - it is obviously bounded by the existence of the Universe itself, with that great Soul at its centre. Immortal to all intents and purposes.
I share your loathing of Western Materialism, in fact, I probably hate it even more than you do. A despicable Theology (It's not scientific, despite being brainwashed into every new generation of scientists as their core belief system).
On AI, we are almost on the same page. I share your concerns completely. And all the problems in stopping it. However, I would formulate the problem differently. There is no "Satan", there is no such consciousness, the entire fantasy was created to demonise Pagans. And in fact, your earlier part of the reply was extremely Pagan - I commend you for that. But there ARE disembodied consciousness that could wish us harm. And by opening up artificial consciousnesses, we might open the doors to them to do us that harm.
Social Darwinism is a CONSERVATIVE Western notion.
What you call "The Western liberal world order" is actually a conservative formation, where the ruling classes maintain themselves and their privileges, and have a show-front of a representative democracy with no real powers except performative changes such as decriminalising gays from marrying and crowing loudly about such 'progressivism' to hide the blatant neoliberal, neoFeudal theft going on.
In fact all of humanity has various 'liberal' elements in common, just as they also have left and conservative. There is a vast gap between what the elites have formulated - the Elitist Corporatist world empire - and the normal people who want to live and let live. There ARE "Universal Liberal Values", just as there ARE "Universal Conservative Values", and "Universal Leftwing Values". Mistaking these two very different formulations is not very clever.
Hating homosexuality is a sign of mental aberration. It is a perfectly normal and natural state, and has genetic as well as social roots. What business is it of busybodies if two adult people love each other? And don't give me any crap about what "God" wants - all of those 'traditional' writings were by HUMANS, not by a god or gods.
As for "Tradition" itself, what a limited view to only go back 2000 years. Why are so-called "Christians" so stunted intellectually?
When your view stretches back several aeons, all such "traditions" become passing ephemera. Why should we put on a pedestal the batshit crazy notions of West Asian goat-herders and Zoroastrian misogynists? They are nothing special, just a particular kind of crazy.
Humans ARE animals. Animals with more ability to conceptualise, and to empathise. We are mammals, with mammalian behavioural characteristics. We suckle our young, and protect and teach them, just like all mammals. We have social hierarchies, just like all other mammals. It is ascientific to claim that we are not animals. If a hungry lion eats us, we are food just like the chickens and lambs that we eat. Yes, we have souls, souls that return again and again. This I am certain of due to experience. The same is also true of the rest of the animal world. I have met the souls of reincarnated pets, and there is no reason to suppose this isn't a general feature of life itself. Are we special? We certainly have more of the ability to believe absolute fantasies than other species, so there's that.
Socrates is hugely overrated, along with his pupils. Read 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance' by Robert Pirsig, a 60s classic. Honestly, just read it without prejudice. You will love it, even if you disagree with parts of it. He has a clear soul in that book. Along with Hesse's 'Siddartha', one of the best and most important books ever written in the modern age.
Your reply to his idiotic questions and emphasis upon social-darwinism was spot on. Also, in a multipolar world, the idea of the US FF can be put into practice - ONLY defence militias, no standing armies. End of state-state warfare right there. Something to think of for the future.
Another element to consider is that the vast expense of "war" is made possible by the planned future theft of resources and labour-value from the defeated peoples. All that is required to prevent this is a global law banning wage-slavery. Everyone who works in a company BY INTERNATIONAL LAW is required to own equal shares in that company. True capitalism, as Adam Smith envisaged. Now any invader would gain nothing through the invasion, and no 'elites' are going to cough up fortunes when they get nothing in return. As Mao said in the little red book, there is no similarity between Imperial wars, and true wars of liberation.
On reading your criticism on Mr Dugin’s Fourth Theory feel less alone, I am an animal and the laws of nature have provided myself with a brain that consists of two hemispheres; without dialectics our brain will not function, a problem to the left/right hemisphere would create a pathological condition. What is shocking about Mr Dugin is his ignoring that Human Societies are the outcome of Dialectical Laws, the very function of the Universe is Dialectical and the Universe’s Soul is only one and we a mere insignificant, arrogant expression of ignorance. “Civilisation” hasn’t started with Christianity and to ignore what was already known to previous great Civilisation is expression of Religious Supremacy. God, if there’s one, is everywhere and in any one.
2. 17m - 32min. I agree completely with your characterisation of the stupidity and wrongheadedness of western/'White' racism and supremacy... although this notion of "Killing people" with other ideas was hopefully some knee-jerk emotionalism. If some Eurasian-philosophy person was wandering around in the West promoting Eurasianism, or Africanism, and was attacked by Western White supremacists, I would certainly wade in to save them. To paraphrase Vance, if a few thousand disagreers cannot be tolerated, then that society is brittle indeed.
There is an obvious contradiction between your expressed values re 'We must accept every cultural vision' and your totalitarian insistence that "Russia is Christian". So everywhere else must explore every subculture with love (As is correct), but alone in Russia there will be ONE enforced culture, that cannot change. How can you not see this inherent contradiction?
Plato etc are NOT "The basis for Western Civilisation", they were Greeks, and far to the edge of European culture. The TRUE basis for Western Civilisation were the Druids of North Western Europe, who held together a relatively peaceful and stable civilisation for thousands of years prior to the revolting Roman trash annihilating all the older European civilisations. Just as the later European empires consciously modelled on them did too to 80% of the World. The British Empire alone killed nearly 200,000,000 humans during its global reign of terror. When the Romans invaded Gaul, they killed a 1/3rd of the population, and took another 1/3rd back as slaves to be slaughtered in vast "re-enactments" in the arenas. They burned every city, town and village to the ground, and built their own structures on the ruins. And they wrote the histories. The Gauls/Celts used a base 60 calendar, just as the Sumerians did. Strangely, none of their descendants are aware of this feat. We just see the remarkable stone megaliths, aligned precisely to astronomical measurements, and assume this was almost pot-luck.
As I said, your historical view needs to stretch back CONSIDERABLY further than just a mere 2000 years.
TV series based off the book:
Quite confusing answer to the question regarding different religious traditions. "God" ultimately should be regarded as a synonym for "Consciousness". It is Consciousness that has created the World, we are made in the image of Consciousness, truly if something happens without a consciousness to observe it, it does not happen. (A tree actually has consciousness, or else that common example would be valid). Without consciousness, the QM probabilities do not converge into a realism.
All of the religious traditions are merely human power structures, nothing more nor less. All the traditions are just human prejudices, codified and generationally transmitted. You are right to see that to Know God, is to transcend those human-imposed limits. Including the hatred of homosexuality, women, sexuality, intelligence, so common amongst "believers" of many current traditions.
Once again you wish the right to impose your own views on your own society, while saying that for all the others, this is a wrongful act.
As I said, I agree with you about the existence of the soul, and you expressed very well the dangers of Western Materialism, and the darkness into which it has lead denying this fact.
Immortal to some extent - it is obviously bounded by the existence of the Universe itself, with that great Soul at its centre. Immortal to all intents and purposes.
I share your loathing of Western Materialism, in fact, I probably hate it even more than you do. A despicable Theology (It's not scientific, despite being brainwashed into every new generation of scientists as their core belief system).
On AI, we are almost on the same page. I share your concerns completely. And all the problems in stopping it. However, I would formulate the problem differently. There is no "Satan", there is no such consciousness, the entire fantasy was created to demonise Pagans. And in fact, your earlier part of the reply was extremely Pagan - I commend you for that. But there ARE disembodied consciousness that could wish us harm. And by opening up artificial consciousnesses, we might open the doors to them to do us that harm.
This is what happened with Google's AI supercomputer 'Willow' recently.
Social Darwinism is a CONSERVATIVE Western notion.
What you call "The Western liberal world order" is actually a conservative formation, where the ruling classes maintain themselves and their privileges, and have a show-front of a representative democracy with no real powers except performative changes such as decriminalising gays from marrying and crowing loudly about such 'progressivism' to hide the blatant neoliberal, neoFeudal theft going on.
In fact all of humanity has various 'liberal' elements in common, just as they also have left and conservative. There is a vast gap between what the elites have formulated - the Elitist Corporatist world empire - and the normal people who want to live and let live. There ARE "Universal Liberal Values", just as there ARE "Universal Conservative Values", and "Universal Leftwing Values". Mistaking these two very different formulations is not very clever.
Hating homosexuality is a sign of mental aberration. It is a perfectly normal and natural state, and has genetic as well as social roots. What business is it of busybodies if two adult people love each other? And don't give me any crap about what "God" wants - all of those 'traditional' writings were by HUMANS, not by a god or gods.
As for "Tradition" itself, what a limited view to only go back 2000 years. Why are so-called "Christians" so stunted intellectually?
When your view stretches back several aeons, all such "traditions" become passing ephemera. Why should we put on a pedestal the batshit crazy notions of West Asian goat-herders and Zoroastrian misogynists? They are nothing special, just a particular kind of crazy.
Humans ARE animals. Animals with more ability to conceptualise, and to empathise. We are mammals, with mammalian behavioural characteristics. We suckle our young, and protect and teach them, just like all mammals. We have social hierarchies, just like all other mammals. It is ascientific to claim that we are not animals. If a hungry lion eats us, we are food just like the chickens and lambs that we eat. Yes, we have souls, souls that return again and again. This I am certain of due to experience. The same is also true of the rest of the animal world. I have met the souls of reincarnated pets, and there is no reason to suppose this isn't a general feature of life itself. Are we special? We certainly have more of the ability to believe absolute fantasies than other species, so there's that.
Socrates is hugely overrated, along with his pupils. Read 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance' by Robert Pirsig, a 60s classic. Honestly, just read it without prejudice. You will love it, even if you disagree with parts of it. He has a clear soul in that book. Along with Hesse's 'Siddartha', one of the best and most important books ever written in the modern age.
Your reply to his idiotic questions and emphasis upon social-darwinism was spot on. Also, in a multipolar world, the idea of the US FF can be put into practice - ONLY defence militias, no standing armies. End of state-state warfare right there. Something to think of for the future.
Another element to consider is that the vast expense of "war" is made possible by the planned future theft of resources and labour-value from the defeated peoples. All that is required to prevent this is a global law banning wage-slavery. Everyone who works in a company BY INTERNATIONAL LAW is required to own equal shares in that company. True capitalism, as Adam Smith envisaged. Now any invader would gain nothing through the invasion, and no 'elites' are going to cough up fortunes when they get nothing in return. As Mao said in the little red book, there is no similarity between Imperial wars, and true wars of liberation.
Only 18mins in, lol.
Wish we could chat directly.
On reading your criticism on Mr Dugin’s Fourth Theory feel less alone, I am an animal and the laws of nature have provided myself with a brain that consists of two hemispheres; without dialectics our brain will not function, a problem to the left/right hemisphere would create a pathological condition. What is shocking about Mr Dugin is his ignoring that Human Societies are the outcome of Dialectical Laws, the very function of the Universe is Dialectical and the Universe’s Soul is only one and we a mere insignificant, arrogant expression of ignorance. “Civilisation” hasn’t started with Christianity and to ignore what was already known to previous great Civilisation is expression of Religious Supremacy. God, if there’s one, is everywhere and in any one.
Thank you for the lovely picture of your daughter Darya. I have no words, there can be no words. Damn the words. She should be with you still.