A very accurate summation, and free of the dramatic polemics one becomes used to in discussion of American politics.

The stability of the overall American system is well noted. It is worth observing that this stability is rather fragile at the current time. The historic ability of the American population to coalesce behind the interests of the nation in time of catastrophe is now far less readily summoned, thanks to the extreme polarization.

The United States is akin to a heavy-footed drunk, shambling towards bad outcome, and the inevitable crash will not be pretty. The polarization driving this will have to work itself out.

If Trump is assassinated, that polarization is likely to head directly towards non-international armed conflict. It is incumbent on Americans to decide what manner of State they will have; and fulfill their individual duty to deliver it.

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Under four years of Trump, no new wars were started and troops came home.

There's no guarantee he'll do that again, that's the best anti-war record for a US president in 100 years.

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You may Mr. Dugin want to factor in the possible dissolution of the Democratic Party and so every National and International Institution along with it, and the Deep State. In America every 20th century Institution since FDR has been Democratic in both reality and legally the way they can govern. There’s no legal choice-the point of the New Deal was exactly Administrative Progressive government immune from elections, except cosmetically. They have governed Democratic Party Progressive as a matter of yes belief but also law , ever more laws , for 90 years.

That may all be ending.

You see they are all very old, they expended far too much on Trump, overreached, and they themselves may not believe in anything anymore besides their pensions and staying out of jail.

They also unwisely used Color Revolution methods in America for the 2020 election, apparently unaware the point is the dissolution of the targeted state… but that’s them. Perhaps they only thought of the next move, a consistent trait of the Democratic Party and DC (they are one).

If this is the case * then both Trump and you in the foreign world have an entirely new set of circumstances. Some of this new world will be problematic.

If this is the case we shan’t be available for help or harm for some time. Good luck.

*I am American and have to deal with the government on several tracks, because of business and matters of duty. I am seeing a state melt away, which I have seen before abroad. I may be wrong, as much instinct and experience as observation.

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