Globalism isn't dead. It has just slunk off into a cave to lick its wounds. It will be back with a vengence. Hence we must be vigilent. Things like globalism, communisim, fascism, and theocracy are like the evil undead. You can't kill them. You can only continually fight and ward them off so that they don't subvert and corrupt everything, and place everyone into oppression.

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They’re like bad bacteria.

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Please STOP using the AI voice.

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What is next is the rebuilding after what is coming.

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If Trump attracts all the talent from fallen NATO Germany, France, South Africa and UK to places like Texas to boost economy with skilled talent. Then prices for locals go up in Texas and you have the movie Heavens Gate style disputes between locals and immigrants appearing again.

"Heaven's Gate" is a 1980 American epic Western film written and directed by Michael Cimino. It is loosely based on the Johnson County War and portrays a fictional dispute between land barons and European immigrants in Wyoming in the 1890s. "

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Any country that supports anti-Christ Zionism (Fake modern Israel: Satan's chosen people) will be shocked when God's Severe Judgment falls upon them like Noah's Flood, Sodom & Gomorrah, and The Destruction of Jerusalem (70AD). This construct of the globalist Zionist FAKE JEW central banking cartel is anti-Christ, heresy against Scripture, and idolatry against Christ Jesus and HIS Kingdom-Church, ALONE! Anything that is NOT Christ is anti-Christ and a total distraction away from the The Way, The Truth, The Light, The Life of the Trinitarian God! Work out your Salvation with MUCH Fear & Trembling. MARANATHA... AGAIN!

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I don't care what you call it, but I want to live a free life, vote 4 to 5 times a year, speak my mind, and not be afraid of the police. Labels are propaganda fog; they muddle things and pretend to be intelligent only to hide their lust for hegemony.

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Europe is not the loser. Europe is waking up. Russia is once again ripe for revolution. Its economy in tatters. Its spirit broken.

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Surely you are being ironic. It is Europe that is deindustrializing. Moreover, Russia's economy is more robust than any in Europe and there is no revolutionary fervor. If anything, there is a renewed sense of patriotism.

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Once the Americans leave and nato is kaput, Germany will rearm with everyone’s blessing and then cozy up to Russia, their natural allies.

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That would be fine with me. Only, I don't think it will be with everyone's blessing. The French and British will loathe the influence this will give Germany, especially since the French and British have at various times fancied themselves as masters of the continent. I think this is why it is the French and British that are working tirelessly to keep America engaged in the Ukraine conflict. If America walks away, which I hope they do, what you wrote will eventually follow. Though it may take some time for all the russophobes to be purged from the German government. The other thing is that a German-Russian renormalization would set Germany on a collision course with Poland. As a result, we could see the re-emergence of Russian-German cooperaion in the management of Poland, much to the anger of the Polish themselves, .I'm sure.

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Maybe not this time. If this comes to pass, the belt and road initiative will dampen national selfishness for the economic benefit of all. Stoping the belt and road thing probably was one of the major reasons for US involvement in Ukraine, among other things. Whoever controls the Eurasian continent can partially neutralize cabal ambitions. The Anglosphere is shrinking now and will probably withdraw from the global stage once the US$ influence.

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Purge? Management of Poland? That’s the language of ear. 1939 all over again.

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Are you ok? You sound retarded.

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Why? I’m perfectly fine

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