Alexander Dugin’s text contrasts two opposing forces within the West: the globalist "Monster-West," represented by liberal elites and their network of influence, and the "MAGA-West".
With Respect Alexander, it seems you have indulged yourself in a thought stream here (based on firstly your lack of editing, moreover deeper consideration of the proposition)
May I contend, two types of west based on @ Trump derangement syndrome & b) Trump delusion syndrome. Yes there are some “true believers “ that Trump is about to recreate the great American renaissance, but isn’t this delusional considering the characters he appointed in his previous administration & his complicity in abrogating the Constitutional freedoms of Americans during Covid.
Many say Trump (&now his technocrat pals) are another “tentacle” of the monster, stage managed to “corral” the patriot movement. It didn’t work with the vaccines might not work again. Things could get weird & nasty.
"With respect Alexander?" Then how about showing some:"With respect, Prof Dugin..." You're right on one point: Things are going to get weird and nasty.
The election of Trump was a tourniquet on an open arterial bleed. It is up to the citizens and Christians to act accordingly… repentance for the sins of this country is a good start.
I would love for Mr. Dugin to more deeply explore and identify and name the monster controlling the tentacles. Is it just a collection of capitalism’s failings? (I like capitalism, but as a system it does have its excesses and toxic manifestations that work against society, individual communities, and single people.) Is it something to do with technology? Is it central bankers? Is it the WEF? Some Illuminati conspiracy? Something that isn’t really an Illuminati conspiracy but might as well be? I would leave some overarching explanation that would encompass the world’s media being taken over (or were they always that secretly that way?) to render them shameless propaganda organs *nobody* with a brain trusts today? And so forth.
Most Americans wish the swamp to be drained. The rest seem to be too self important to have any awareness. I have always used extreme caution with ejected officials in any nation, but particularly, in the US.
Trump makes no bones about being insanely pro-Zionist and what that affords him to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.
Zionists, imo, are determined to rule the world w/the help of the Empire they seek to expand. This has been the goal for hundreds of years ramped up after WWll. They have said America, who funds them, should get over the USS Liberty. I find this to be an unimaginable lack of gratitude for the many who died to liberate Europe, nobody even close to Russia's casualties.
This is worrisome in many levels:
1. World dominance is the desire of the Devil.
2. Christians soldiers will be sacrificed as they are in predominantly Christian Ukraine in this expansionist dream.
3. There will be no multi-polarity as the Devil can't share or take orders from what it sees as inferior.
4. A reckoning is due the Empire for all the previous arrogance and presumption that said we amassed all we have because we are "blessed" by God, when in fact serving another god, we killed stole and destroy whole nations and cintiintents to keep up our appearance of being so "blessed".
We are seeing this play out in England, France, Germany, etc. They are being financially devastated. You cannot serve two masters. You especially should not claim to serve the one, true God and in all actuality serve money.
5. Helping Israeli achieve a third temple to make thousands of sacrifices is a fool's errand at best.
6. Personally, I would tread lightly or not put all my eggs in one basket. I leave many to God.
The Organisation (or maybe The Outfit?) is merely having a major shareholder dispute. The infrastructure is all same, same, chico 🤑 They argue over how to skin the cat, not the ethics of it.
È probabile che Trump getterà alle ortiche la cultura woke in America ma poi per il resto sembra che non promette niente di buono: è un megalomane che cerca di gettare scompiglio in tutto l'occidente stando alle sue battute sul Canada, Groenlandia, Panama e Messico.
"I think that democracy is the ultimate position politically; we've passed through all other forms of government. But beyond democracy there now looms either dictatorship or complete chaos. The end is more likely: 666 is the number of man, and this is democracy - man worshiping himself, his own likeness." D.M. Lloyd-Jones
MAGA West is still more globalist than separate. It is still hegemonic. President Trump may let us down but he has antiwar instincts and an empathy and understanding of the average American so there is hope. He understands the economy but still relies on sanctions and perhaps force. He WILL talk to foreign leaders if they agree. There is much he does not and cannot understand (the world has changed in the last 4 years), and many proposed cabinet leaders disappoint, but we still do hope much domestically will be better. The entrenched government remains. ANY gain over the last four years is a victory.
If the Russian Federation is going to believe that it is possible to split the satanic monster, namely the Rothschilds. Rockefellers, Soros, Gates, and Mask et Co . the USA is indeed, going to achieve a strategic defeat against the Russian Federation and it consequently splitting into a group of vassal states. It was Napoleon dream picked up by Hitler and currently by “ Biden”. Trump will be the final kicker corroborated by the professional actor Musk ( actually he doesn’t manage anything of the industrial adventures under his name, he is following orders by the Satanic Nazi Zionists Cupola ), together they are one and only one harlequin serving one Master, the CUPOLA.
Spanish translation: *El globalismo desenmascarado: El monstruo colectivo tras los tentáculos*
Alexander Dugin
8 de enero, 2025
_El texto de Alexander Dugin contrapone dos fuerzas opuestas dentro de Occidente: el «Monstruo-Occidente» globalista, representado por las élites liberales y su red de influencia, y el «MAGA-Occidente», que trata de resistir y desenmascarar a esta entidad oculta. Sostiene que la batalla entre estas identidades es fundamental para comprender la verdadera naturaleza del poder global y la lucha por la soberanía._
Biden, Harris, Obama, Starmer, Macron, Soros, Scholz, Trudeau, Schwab, Hillary no son individuos separados sino sólo tentáculos. Zelensky es una verruga en la piel del mismo monstruo. Trump con Elon Musk están descubriendo y poniendo de manifiesto la figura oculta de Eso que vive en el Pantano.
El monstruo grita e intenta morder. Es patético - MAGA contra el monstruo.
He observado una característica psicológica: Los estadounidenses, incluidos los patriotas y disidentes, odian la palabra «prohibir». El llamamiento a prohibir woke (principal enemigo de los conservadores) no provoca ningún entusiasmo.
Los wokeístas, por el contrario, adoran cancelar y censurar. ¿Será que no son demasiado americanos?
Elon Musk en X ataca los tentáculos. Ahora es el momento de formular la pregunta: si los que todo el mundo conoce no son más que los tentáculos, ¿cuál es el verdadero nombre del monstruo? ¿De quién son los tentáculos?
Desde el punto de vista ruso parece algo así como «Occidente colectivo». El comportamiento de Occidente (EE.UU., la UE, Natolandia) durante la época de Obama, los neoconservadores, Biden y la mayoría de los líderes de la UE lo confirmó. Pero ahora todo el panorama ha cambiado drásticamente.
Existe Occidente y Occidente. El Occidente número uno es el del monstruo liberal globalista. Pero aparece el Occidente número dos. MAGA-Occidente.
Por lo tanto, hay dos identidades y no sólo una. Así que el nombre «Occidente» ya no es correcto. MAGA-Oeste vs Monstruo-Oeste. Pero este monstruo debería tener otro nombre. Starmer-Macron-Trudeau-Scholz son partes del monstruo, pero sólo órganos, sólo interfaz.
Estructuras de Soros es el sistema nervioso. Pero debe haber algo más siniestro y horrible detrás de la cortina. Algo que mantenga unidos todos los elementos del Monstruo-Oeste. Tiene que tener nombre propio. El [ciber] ataque DDoS de Elon Musk en tentáculos es excelente ocasión para explorar.
De ahí que haya dos identidades y no sólo una. Así que el nombre «Oeste» ya no es correcto. MAGA-Oeste vs Monstruo-Oeste. Pero este monstruo debería tener otro nombre. Starmer-Macron-Trudeau-Scholz son partes del monstruo, pero sólo órganos, sólo interfaz.
Alexander: desde el Sur del mundo, Chile, veo con claridad estas dos identidades de "Occidente", en realidad no percibo una tercera, pero no identifico la cabeza del pulpo, el dueño de los tentáculos, debiendo asumir lo dicho por Carroll Quigley, Anthony Sutton y otros, en el sentido de que existe tal poder temporal único en la sombra, en mi opinión -hasta hoy- proveniente de las primeras Civilizaciones de las que tenemos conocimiento oficial, hace miles de años. También es claro para mí, que no se trata de "buenos contra malos", por estar ambas fuerzas "occidentales" percibibles, contaminadas de severas contradicciones morales.
Have to warn you Mr Dugin. A rather large portion of the people who follow the Russia and Ukraine conflict are brain dead conspiracy nuts. They think everything is staged and the cabal that has been running things is still running things. These people live on the fringes of society yet they give no thought that maybe they have gone a bit overboard. Everything we see is all scripted and part of a larger plan. This plan is surely run by The Jews.
I figured out a couple things: if the Jews really do control everything then it’s probably for good purpose lol. I figured out that most of these types shouldn’t be anywhere near a decision making process. Most of the time their own lives are in shambles. The Jews probably did that too 🤭.
With Respect Alexander, it seems you have indulged yourself in a thought stream here (based on firstly your lack of editing, moreover deeper consideration of the proposition)
May I contend, two types of west based on @ Trump derangement syndrome & b) Trump delusion syndrome. Yes there are some “true believers “ that Trump is about to recreate the great American renaissance, but isn’t this delusional considering the characters he appointed in his previous administration & his complicity in abrogating the Constitutional freedoms of Americans during Covid.
Many say Trump (&now his technocrat pals) are another “tentacle” of the monster, stage managed to “corral” the patriot movement. It didn’t work with the vaccines might not work again. Things could get weird & nasty.
"With respect Alexander?" Then how about showing some:"With respect, Prof Dugin..." You're right on one point: Things are going to get weird and nasty.
Yes, there are two competing wests, unfortunately they are only two servants battling it out to be the favoured dog to their master.
The election of Trump was a tourniquet on an open arterial bleed. It is up to the citizens and Christians to act accordingly… repentance for the sins of this country is a good start.
I would love for Mr. Dugin to more deeply explore and identify and name the monster controlling the tentacles. Is it just a collection of capitalism’s failings? (I like capitalism, but as a system it does have its excesses and toxic manifestations that work against society, individual communities, and single people.) Is it something to do with technology? Is it central bankers? Is it the WEF? Some Illuminati conspiracy? Something that isn’t really an Illuminati conspiracy but might as well be? I would leave some overarching explanation that would encompass the world’s media being taken over (or were they always that secretly that way?) to render them shameless propaganda organs *nobody* with a brain trusts today? And so forth.
Most Americans wish the swamp to be drained. The rest seem to be too self important to have any awareness. I have always used extreme caution with ejected officials in any nation, but particularly, in the US.
Trump makes no bones about being insanely pro-Zionist and what that affords him to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.
Zionists, imo, are determined to rule the world w/the help of the Empire they seek to expand. This has been the goal for hundreds of years ramped up after WWll. They have said America, who funds them, should get over the USS Liberty. I find this to be an unimaginable lack of gratitude for the many who died to liberate Europe, nobody even close to Russia's casualties.
This is worrisome in many levels:
1. World dominance is the desire of the Devil.
2. Christians soldiers will be sacrificed as they are in predominantly Christian Ukraine in this expansionist dream.
3. There will be no multi-polarity as the Devil can't share or take orders from what it sees as inferior.
4. A reckoning is due the Empire for all the previous arrogance and presumption that said we amassed all we have because we are "blessed" by God, when in fact serving another god, we killed stole and destroy whole nations and cintiintents to keep up our appearance of being so "blessed".
We are seeing this play out in England, France, Germany, etc. They are being financially devastated. You cannot serve two masters. You especially should not claim to serve the one, true God and in all actuality serve money.
5. Helping Israeli achieve a third temple to make thousands of sacrifices is a fool's errand at best.
6. Personally, I would tread lightly or not put all my eggs in one basket. I leave many to God.
The Organisation (or maybe The Outfit?) is merely having a major shareholder dispute. The infrastructure is all same, same, chico 🤑 They argue over how to skin the cat, not the ethics of it.
È probabile che Trump getterà alle ortiche la cultura woke in America ma poi per il resto sembra che non promette niente di buono: è un megalomane che cerca di gettare scompiglio in tutto l'occidente stando alle sue battute sul Canada, Groenlandia, Panama e Messico.
"I think that democracy is the ultimate position politically; we've passed through all other forms of government. But beyond democracy there now looms either dictatorship or complete chaos. The end is more likely: 666 is the number of man, and this is democracy - man worshiping himself, his own likeness." D.M. Lloyd-Jones
MAGA West is still more globalist than separate. It is still hegemonic. President Trump may let us down but he has antiwar instincts and an empathy and understanding of the average American so there is hope. He understands the economy but still relies on sanctions and perhaps force. He WILL talk to foreign leaders if they agree. There is much he does not and cannot understand (the world has changed in the last 4 years), and many proposed cabinet leaders disappoint, but we still do hope much domestically will be better. The entrenched government remains. ANY gain over the last four years is a victory.
Swiss Octagon
That was supposed to be “the church lady” saying ….”Satan!”
If the Russian Federation is going to believe that it is possible to split the satanic monster, namely the Rothschilds. Rockefellers, Soros, Gates, and Mask et Co . the USA is indeed, going to achieve a strategic defeat against the Russian Federation and it consequently splitting into a group of vassal states. It was Napoleon dream picked up by Hitler and currently by “ Biden”. Trump will be the final kicker corroborated by the professional actor Musk ( actually he doesn’t manage anything of the industrial adventures under his name, he is following orders by the Satanic Nazi Zionists Cupola ), together they are one and only one harlequin serving one Master, the CUPOLA.
Spanish translation: *El globalismo desenmascarado: El monstruo colectivo tras los tentáculos*
Alexander Dugin
8 de enero, 2025
_El texto de Alexander Dugin contrapone dos fuerzas opuestas dentro de Occidente: el «Monstruo-Occidente» globalista, representado por las élites liberales y su red de influencia, y el «MAGA-Occidente», que trata de resistir y desenmascarar a esta entidad oculta. Sostiene que la batalla entre estas identidades es fundamental para comprender la verdadera naturaleza del poder global y la lucha por la soberanía._
Biden, Harris, Obama, Starmer, Macron, Soros, Scholz, Trudeau, Schwab, Hillary no son individuos separados sino sólo tentáculos. Zelensky es una verruga en la piel del mismo monstruo. Trump con Elon Musk están descubriendo y poniendo de manifiesto la figura oculta de Eso que vive en el Pantano.
El monstruo grita e intenta morder. Es patético - MAGA contra el monstruo.
He observado una característica psicológica: Los estadounidenses, incluidos los patriotas y disidentes, odian la palabra «prohibir». El llamamiento a prohibir woke (principal enemigo de los conservadores) no provoca ningún entusiasmo.
Los wokeístas, por el contrario, adoran cancelar y censurar. ¿Será que no son demasiado americanos?
Elon Musk en X ataca los tentáculos. Ahora es el momento de formular la pregunta: si los que todo el mundo conoce no son más que los tentáculos, ¿cuál es el verdadero nombre del monstruo? ¿De quién son los tentáculos?
Desde el punto de vista ruso parece algo así como «Occidente colectivo». El comportamiento de Occidente (EE.UU., la UE, Natolandia) durante la época de Obama, los neoconservadores, Biden y la mayoría de los líderes de la UE lo confirmó. Pero ahora todo el panorama ha cambiado drásticamente.
Existe Occidente y Occidente. El Occidente número uno es el del monstruo liberal globalista. Pero aparece el Occidente número dos. MAGA-Occidente.
Por lo tanto, hay dos identidades y no sólo una. Así que el nombre «Occidente» ya no es correcto. MAGA-Oeste vs Monstruo-Oeste. Pero este monstruo debería tener otro nombre. Starmer-Macron-Trudeau-Scholz son partes del monstruo, pero sólo órganos, sólo interfaz.
Estructuras de Soros es el sistema nervioso. Pero debe haber algo más siniestro y horrible detrás de la cortina. Algo que mantenga unidos todos los elementos del Monstruo-Oeste. Tiene que tener nombre propio. El [ciber] ataque DDoS de Elon Musk en tentáculos es excelente ocasión para explorar.
De ahí que haya dos identidades y no sólo una. Así que el nombre «Oeste» ya no es correcto. MAGA-Oeste vs Monstruo-Oeste. Pero este monstruo debería tener otro nombre. Starmer-Macron-Trudeau-Scholz son partes del monstruo, pero sólo órganos, sólo interfaz.
Alexander: desde el Sur del mundo, Chile, veo con claridad estas dos identidades de "Occidente", en realidad no percibo una tercera, pero no identifico la cabeza del pulpo, el dueño de los tentáculos, debiendo asumir lo dicho por Carroll Quigley, Anthony Sutton y otros, en el sentido de que existe tal poder temporal único en la sombra, en mi opinión -hasta hoy- proveniente de las primeras Civilizaciones de las que tenemos conocimiento oficial, hace miles de años. También es claro para mí, que no se trata de "buenos contra malos", por estar ambas fuerzas "occidentales" percibibles, contaminadas de severas contradicciones morales.
Have to warn you Mr Dugin. A rather large portion of the people who follow the Russia and Ukraine conflict are brain dead conspiracy nuts. They think everything is staged and the cabal that has been running things is still running things. These people live on the fringes of society yet they give no thought that maybe they have gone a bit overboard. Everything we see is all scripted and part of a larger plan. This plan is surely run by The Jews.
I figured out a couple things: if the Jews really do control everything then it’s probably for good purpose lol. I figured out that most of these types shouldn’t be anywhere near a decision making process. Most of the time their own lives are in shambles. The Jews probably did that too 🤭.
Behind the curtain is Mr. Rothschild.