Amen… Jews are just like other people… good and bad… and present day Israel does not have a superior place in history.

Christ is King!

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It would be a great help if Mr Dugin does mean by (let’s have a dialogue) having a dialogue with Nazi Christian Zionists that have ‘shamelessly and without the shadow of any humanity’ committed and still developing a genocide of the Palestinian Nation! Does Mr Dugin mean business as usual, with Trump et Musk, does he mean the Partition of Ukraine, Syria, Lebanon and the rest of the World. A Multipolar World won’t last long if is going to be built together with a class of ruthless Finance Capital Adventures on the very cannibalism of the majority of humanity.

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I would like to know more about the prevailing thoughts that foster harmony..

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Thank you dear Alexander Dugin that you spread your beautiful ideas; your way of thinking of the unity of mankind in its diversity. The political game has always been so dirty and ugly but you are breathing spirit in it. Let your messages spread in all corners of the world

Thank you

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Cuánto lucidez en una misma persona, Alexander.

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Fait whether in religious or state form is brainwashing others to rule them - and invented by mankind. Freedom means knowledge and tolerance and refuse that there is anything above yourself

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John 14:20 ESV

[20] In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you.

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We need more dialogue of the kind that Professor Dugan suggests. I was riveted to a conversation he had with John Mearsheimer recently:


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Let’s hope we can finally pass into a 21st century mentality where we leave all of the 20th century with its support of communism, fascism and totalitarianism, liberalism etc behind.

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“Freedom” without the freedom of speech and the absence of the narcissistic mindset of contentment of others sovereignty and diversity of creativity and expression, freedom is an illusion.

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Censorship proves the weakness of the empires ideas. If the empire was worthy of defense, she would not have allowed 10 million insurgents into my beloved country.

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Pienamente d'accordo. Demonizzare Trump, Elon Musk è controproducente per tutti. Prima di giudicare lasciamo che esprimano è facciano quello che dicono, e poi se ne potrà riparlare.

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