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EEUU (como antes inglaterra a principios del SXX) es un imperio en su fase declinante. Europa no encontró un nuevo liderazgo luego del imperio británico y se subordinó a la política de EEUU. Esa política (avance de la OTAN mediante) siempre fue anti Rusa; hasta hoy (y allí está Ucrania para demostrarlo).

El enemigo real del globalismo liberal es China y la multipolaridad no Trump: El nacionalismo defensivo imperial de Trump es una manifestación del declive norteamericano; un intento de frenar su rezago económico con guerra comercial y militar y está llamado a fracasar (aunque siembre de muerte y destrucción América y el mundo).

La alianza que esperamos de Rusia los que sufrimos el imperislismo norteamericano en américa luso-hispánica es con los BRICS y la multipolaridad.

Saludos desde Argentina.

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Muy buen comentario. Estoy totalmente de acuerdo.

Creo que la gente no es consciente de que tanto el liberalismo progresista dominado por el ala demócrata (lo que algunos llaman globalistas), y el liberalismo conservador por el ala republicana, son dos caras de una misma moneda; Representan el dominio absoluto de la gran burguesía sobre la clase trabajadora, y la subordinación del resto de países a la hegemonía anglosajona estadounidense. Lo único que cambia son las maneras de conseguir dicho objetivo, con diferencias en temas culturales/sociales y la dialéctica de estados e imperios.

En lo que viene a ser políticas económicas, representan el mismo engranaje neoliberal.

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I’m Irish. Retired in Thailand having lived and worked in quite a few countries. Just to add “MURA”

“Make Ukraine Russian Again”

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As expected Mr Dugin finds only antagonistic Nations within the framework of his personal visions for the future Imperial Russia, Imperial USA, China , India, and why not Turkey ! The only world he is able to see is the Global Elites World. What is left is just expendable cannon fodder for the War thirsty Finance Capital accumulated by waging ruthless Wars of plunder, genocides and geopolitical and economic blackmail of Nations opposing the plunder of their National wealth. The People, the ones that produces any thing Mr Dugin use, wares nourish him self with are ignored, we all have to produce something in Society, to survive in an honest way or dishonest way.He, and the “intellectuals” like him produce only nebulous way to salvation and an enemy that is not to be identified, identifying the Enemy would mean to speak the historical truth, again is shocking to see that Mr Dugin doesn’t acknowledge that if Russia exists is mainly due to over the twenty million Russian people that sacrificed their life for the liberation of the beloved Mather Russia and its Fascinating Culture and achievements! We the People exist and we see clearly and identify clearly without any shadow of doubt the Real Enemy: Nazi Christian Zionist Global Finance Capital opening the doors to Third World War. We are not going to be just spectators!

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This Ecumena should be called Homo Americanus/Sovieticus Ecumena.

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The liberal progressivism represented by the Democratic wing and its deputies/puppets in the EU and other areas has nothing to do with the left, and even less the extreme left.

Economically it represents the domination of the big bourgeoisie over the working class, just like the conservative liberal trash.

Perhaps you could say that this CULTURAL progressivism may be to the left of the conservative position, but it is still not leftist at all.

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La sinistra progressista globalista ha prodotto la più grande catastrofe di tutti i tempi: l'annientamento dei valori tradizionali che l'uomo aveva dentro di sé fin dagli albori dell'umanità. Russia Usa e Europa devono affrontare un male nefasto ,pernicioso che mina dall'interno la convivenza pacifica dei popoli ,questo male mira alla guerra per procura, alla distruzione della famiglia, al nichilismo e alla distruzione dell'essere umano tramite la cultura diabolica del Woke.

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The psychic dynamic of Protestantism — a form of psychology steeped in denial, obsessive, fanatically outward projected idealist altruism, inverse victim projection (every Arab and African youth please move to Germany) (I will volunteer and die for an angelic Bandera girl from Lviv..)…, …, also is fertile and sad ground for wokism once the old Chistian God became outdated.

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Liberal wokism appeared to emit from the drivel elite language of French postmodernists, but in fact it has a strong base in the twisted and lonely psyche of every teenager in our time whose opportunity for psyche - linguistic - personality development is hopelessly deprived by our present day psyche-technical environment. The strong innate immunity of Russian nation to woke madness (only partial and unsteady immunity) came from a language not only influenced by Ilyn, but still characters and speech patterns of Dostoevsky.

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