He's right - conservatives are just liberals going at the speed limit. He's also right that you cannot expdct prudence from people who think the anus is a sex organ and the number of homosexuals in government is a direct indicator of the situation. Everywhere you see a pride flag, that's colonialism of the West in action, the very symbol of the American Empire. The direction we are going isn't left or right, it's definitely down.

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I am slowly starting to understand the 4pt. Materialism is the sirens song, once it lulls a nation into sleep it will be liquidated. How do we wake up?

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It's an interesting piece. Doesn't perfectly align with my own understanding of Platonism and Aristotelianism, but the idea of materialism as of the "mother" is a new concept to me, and seems like it could be useful.

I do find that his description of materialism as an inversion of Platonism is pretty much exactly how I see it, and I agree that it's up to us to set things right side up.

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Welp, that's about enough of this spiritual nonsense for me. I'm out.

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How do we start? Plato and Aristotle have been incorporated in the very fabric of the catholic and orthodox church. I suppose that a return to those traditions will kill two birds with one stone

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