Excellent analysis and as close to truth as possible to approach. Nice pictures as well. You are doing a great job of exposing these liberal globalist lizards. Civilizations, nations, lands and peoples of the world must break free of liberal globalist propaganda. You are helping them to do this. Traditional values, thousands of years old, are deep and strong. The perverted Dems and their perverted European lizard friends, went too far with covid 19 and the Olympic opening ceremony, the insane war in Ukraine, pitting brother against brother while they sat back and were entertained (Just like Korea) awakening something older, saner, more compassionate and more human. Now is the time to push, world wide, for a return to The Christian Churches, for Christian Values, for the core values of the US Constitution - freedom of speech and belief - for the return of the Russian Empire, based on its orthodox roots, intellectual superiority, wisdom and tolerance. A new age dawns and possibilities arise that were impossible before. Seize the moment. I would like to see the return of the Russian King. I would urge the Korean people to put aside their false globalist made civil war and reconcile as the Great Han People people, under one King. I would like to see Great Japan honor its fallen and break free of its servile dependency on the globalists. Also Germany. Their way of behaving in recent decades feels to me like a shadow of their real identity.
I make your words my own, David, including re Japan and South Korea. I am a former resident of Japan. Things do not look good there at all. Food aside, and a few nice people I have met from there in my life, I have never felt connected to South Korea at all. For better or worse, the future of the Korean Peninsula seems to lie in the North (sic). Let´s hope against hope that both Germany and Japan will see the light (I am not very optimistic though).
Thanks. South Korea is a land of sharp contrasts - very wise and very stupid - very old and very new - very rich and very poor - very kind yet very cruel. I have long held that the present historical epoch was made in the Korean war with the USA perfecting its ideological divide and rule tactics most effectively. The same damned thing is playing out in Ukraine as I write 70 years later. I have advanced the idea to Korean elites that if they could make peace on their famous peninsular then anybody anywhere could. They could be a shining example if they wanted to be. The way for that to happen would be for Kim Jong Eun to become the constitutional monarch of a reunited Korea with the south in charge of the economy. This would solve all the domestic problems of both sides and teach the world how peace can make a civilization the best that it can be. Of course the Americans must be politely thanked and asked to leave as their presence will no longer be necessary. Something similar is also true of Japan. It is time for the peoples of the three nations to unite around their common philosophical and religious heritage and find a way to respect each other and live together without being vassals or enemies of the west. Part of the difficulty is that the Koreans and the Japanese have allowed their cultures to be over influenced with western consumerist short sightedness and submerged their identity with overdoses of science and money making; but I can assure you that underneath their true greatest remains and they could be a catalyst for world change if they could find a way to take the chance.
Always a great pleasure to read Mr.Dugin! And also most of the comments. Civilisation is not lost as long as there are upright and proud people. It's incredible how such posts can strengthen the individual who refuses the poisoned soup he is served. My TV has been dead for a long time, mainstream media have been neutralised at home since April 2020. The little I can hear on the radio from my bathroom at the time of the news makes me think of stopping washing! 😉
The Olympics, the huge lies clearly expressed in recent days by our sordid French president, climate and wokism etc, everything is diabolical.
Facing this decadent world only becomes possible because voices like yours rise with a saving truth.
It’s wild that the people destroying all of the (former) nations in the West are the same people who inflicted such terrible destruction to Russia with their Bolshevik revolution.
Each nation of the West was and is being subverted by a people whose way of life is to live as a diaspora and use the goodwill of each would be host nation to shield them from persecution by whatever majority population they must flee due to “irrational” hatred against them by their former hosts.
EVERY host nation that has offered them refuge begins to be divided and conquered, its majority and founding population subverted through a slow genocide as the parasites remake the society into one in which they do best, one with no history, culture, religion, or blood shared by its peoples. Given these very things are that which comprises a nation, their subversion is literally destruction of their host nations.
For all the “evil” supposedly done by European derived peoples, the parasitic people in question are responsible, directly and indirectly, for a ton of that evil, at least that which has not been fabricated as a means to destroy the racial memory of the people so that they develop the psyche of a conquered people.
The current state of Western nations is a direct result of such mindset. First they “liberated” us from our monarch governments, which as imperfect as they were, more closely reflected the will of the people than the liberal “democracies” in which there is no way to hold the leaders to account, and the people rarely get what they want through voting. For example, in the US, we didn’t want the 1964 Civil Rights Act that discriminates against the white majority or the 1965 immigration laws that make the white majority a minority. Even California twice voted by popular vote against “gay marriage,” but they and the whole nation got it anyway.
Then they began the destruction of our families by “liberating” women from their natural and crucial positions as mothers and wives. They turned the fact that families were ONE, as they had the same interests, so the husband/father as head of household voted for the family into oppression of women by “denying” them the right to vote. This was probably the largest single factor in destroying the most important building block of a healthy society, healthy families.
They play with language so that woman literally is the same as man, so women cannot be happy without trying to become what is a successful man and hurting everyone in the process. Give a young girl a choice between riding the cock carousel and being a mother, and she will waste her child bearing years on that ride (they having turned whoredom into a virtue) and only realize how mentally ill and miserable she is as a 45 year old barren bitter woman with no family below her to fill her life with love and purpose. Women have the right to vote, and what is their #1 issue??? Fucking killing their unborn children!
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying women are evil or anything like that, and our men are in shitty shape too. Another pillar of family destruction is LGBTQIA+ (Lol). There is no such thing as “gay marriage” because marriage by definition cannot be same sex. That’s more of definitions of words being played with. Hell, “they” created homos in the sense that while homosexual acts and fetishes have always existed, but they were kept hidden. Today is a unique period in human history in which one bases his entire identity around his sex fetishes, and marches around in public pridefully.
Anyway, to wrap this up, they are bad. Today they commit genocide against a mostly helpless population while the world whines at best. It’s their power over the West that makes this possible, but it damn sure won’t last forever. One must think that a group CRAZY paranoid thinking EVERY people in EVERY place in EVERY time period wants to turn them into furniture and cleaning products (a la Holocaust) should elicit a question. “What did they do that makes that the case?”
Why did I feel like I was inexorably sliding towards a sad end? Macron and his satanic friends. The Pope who has never really been except to do like Macron: destroy destroy destroy.
Such an analysis reassures me. Thanks to Mr. Dugin. In fact, being a Christian does not mean lowering your head under the blows, stretching your left cheek, all these stereotypes of the good christian, peacefull, an indolent sheep or an apathetic ox in front of the Merlin who advances.
Prayer restores strength and awareness of the evil that must be fought. No mercy for the devil and his minions. I’m waiting, now serene. I’m getting ready.
She will cover you, and all Russia, while faith remains
Abraham is the model. Would you spare them if there were 40 just men? If there were ten? Maybe there are ten?
The Bosnians, as illegally immigrated criminals, were there with WEF ten years before the Maiden Revolution. In the large public square with the “Victor Victoria” marquee for the off Broadway premiere. They were in on both “Victor” who had already been gunned down, and Victoria who would soon be the iron maiden of Kyiv.
Recall that the Chinese, and it was the Chinese through that Indian version of the then recently deceased “Victor,” who had the US target their Bosnian chipset factory to assure the US didn't get the dies. That same Indian “Victor” was the one responsible for the Il Queda meeting with Bin Ladin surviving while one of his wives and their children died, instead.
I would be wary of those Bosnian allies of yours getting those paychecks from their illegal immigrant cousins in the US.
The British Anglo-Saxon Magog and the French (and Dutch and Deutsch) Francs Gog are about to lose the War to the Russia 🇷🇺, the Christian Roman Empire with Emperor Vladimir V. Putin in the new and FINAL battleground in Finland 🇫🇮 where the Roman Empire will be Triumphant if the War which started by Charles Martel and later Establishment if the the French Empire!
This situation is scary and devoid of logic. I am trapped in the west, Australia is my shame and they can come and take me away for stating that. God will not support any side in this sordid human mess. The world will go into a deep dark sleep and the victors “albeit a few “ will emerge again from the primeval darkness.
Excellent analysis and as close to truth as possible to approach. Nice pictures as well. You are doing a great job of exposing these liberal globalist lizards. Civilizations, nations, lands and peoples of the world must break free of liberal globalist propaganda. You are helping them to do this. Traditional values, thousands of years old, are deep and strong. The perverted Dems and their perverted European lizard friends, went too far with covid 19 and the Olympic opening ceremony, the insane war in Ukraine, pitting brother against brother while they sat back and were entertained (Just like Korea) awakening something older, saner, more compassionate and more human. Now is the time to push, world wide, for a return to The Christian Churches, for Christian Values, for the core values of the US Constitution - freedom of speech and belief - for the return of the Russian Empire, based on its orthodox roots, intellectual superiority, wisdom and tolerance. A new age dawns and possibilities arise that were impossible before. Seize the moment. I would like to see the return of the Russian King. I would urge the Korean people to put aside their false globalist made civil war and reconcile as the Great Han People people, under one King. I would like to see Great Japan honor its fallen and break free of its servile dependency on the globalists. Also Germany. Their way of behaving in recent decades feels to me like a shadow of their real identity.
Thanks again Alex.
I make your words my own, David, including re Japan and South Korea. I am a former resident of Japan. Things do not look good there at all. Food aside, and a few nice people I have met from there in my life, I have never felt connected to South Korea at all. For better or worse, the future of the Korean Peninsula seems to lie in the North (sic). Let´s hope against hope that both Germany and Japan will see the light (I am not very optimistic though).
Thanks. South Korea is a land of sharp contrasts - very wise and very stupid - very old and very new - very rich and very poor - very kind yet very cruel. I have long held that the present historical epoch was made in the Korean war with the USA perfecting its ideological divide and rule tactics most effectively. The same damned thing is playing out in Ukraine as I write 70 years later. I have advanced the idea to Korean elites that if they could make peace on their famous peninsular then anybody anywhere could. They could be a shining example if they wanted to be. The way for that to happen would be for Kim Jong Eun to become the constitutional monarch of a reunited Korea with the south in charge of the economy. This would solve all the domestic problems of both sides and teach the world how peace can make a civilization the best that it can be. Of course the Americans must be politely thanked and asked to leave as their presence will no longer be necessary. Something similar is also true of Japan. It is time for the peoples of the three nations to unite around their common philosophical and religious heritage and find a way to respect each other and live together without being vassals or enemies of the west. Part of the difficulty is that the Koreans and the Japanese have allowed their cultures to be over influenced with western consumerist short sightedness and submerged their identity with overdoses of science and money making; but I can assure you that underneath their true greatest remains and they could be a catalyst for world change if they could find a way to take the chance.
Je suis « obligé « de passer par un traducteur…
Always a great pleasure to read Mr.Dugin! And also most of the comments. Civilisation is not lost as long as there are upright and proud people. It's incredible how such posts can strengthen the individual who refuses the poisoned soup he is served. My TV has been dead for a long time, mainstream media have been neutralised at home since April 2020. The little I can hear on the radio from my bathroom at the time of the news makes me think of stopping washing! 😉
The Olympics, the huge lies clearly expressed in recent days by our sordid French president, climate and wokism etc, everything is diabolical.
Facing this decadent world only becomes possible because voices like yours rise with a saving truth.
And then there is also the Prayer.
Can confirm living here among them Mr. Dugin that shitlibs are savages.
It’s wild that the people destroying all of the (former) nations in the West are the same people who inflicted such terrible destruction to Russia with their Bolshevik revolution.
Each nation of the West was and is being subverted by a people whose way of life is to live as a diaspora and use the goodwill of each would be host nation to shield them from persecution by whatever majority population they must flee due to “irrational” hatred against them by their former hosts.
EVERY host nation that has offered them refuge begins to be divided and conquered, its majority and founding population subverted through a slow genocide as the parasites remake the society into one in which they do best, one with no history, culture, religion, or blood shared by its peoples. Given these very things are that which comprises a nation, their subversion is literally destruction of their host nations.
For all the “evil” supposedly done by European derived peoples, the parasitic people in question are responsible, directly and indirectly, for a ton of that evil, at least that which has not been fabricated as a means to destroy the racial memory of the people so that they develop the psyche of a conquered people.
The current state of Western nations is a direct result of such mindset. First they “liberated” us from our monarch governments, which as imperfect as they were, more closely reflected the will of the people than the liberal “democracies” in which there is no way to hold the leaders to account, and the people rarely get what they want through voting. For example, in the US, we didn’t want the 1964 Civil Rights Act that discriminates against the white majority or the 1965 immigration laws that make the white majority a minority. Even California twice voted by popular vote against “gay marriage,” but they and the whole nation got it anyway.
Then they began the destruction of our families by “liberating” women from their natural and crucial positions as mothers and wives. They turned the fact that families were ONE, as they had the same interests, so the husband/father as head of household voted for the family into oppression of women by “denying” them the right to vote. This was probably the largest single factor in destroying the most important building block of a healthy society, healthy families.
They play with language so that woman literally is the same as man, so women cannot be happy without trying to become what is a successful man and hurting everyone in the process. Give a young girl a choice between riding the cock carousel and being a mother, and she will waste her child bearing years on that ride (they having turned whoredom into a virtue) and only realize how mentally ill and miserable she is as a 45 year old barren bitter woman with no family below her to fill her life with love and purpose. Women have the right to vote, and what is their #1 issue??? Fucking killing their unborn children!
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying women are evil or anything like that, and our men are in shitty shape too. Another pillar of family destruction is LGBTQIA+ (Lol). There is no such thing as “gay marriage” because marriage by definition cannot be same sex. That’s more of definitions of words being played with. Hell, “they” created homos in the sense that while homosexual acts and fetishes have always existed, but they were kept hidden. Today is a unique period in human history in which one bases his entire identity around his sex fetishes, and marches around in public pridefully.
Anyway, to wrap this up, they are bad. Today they commit genocide against a mostly helpless population while the world whines at best. It’s their power over the West that makes this possible, but it damn sure won’t last forever. One must think that a group CRAZY paranoid thinking EVERY people in EVERY place in EVERY time period wants to turn them into furniture and cleaning products (a la Holocaust) should elicit a question. “What did they do that makes that the case?”
Why did I feel like I was inexorably sliding towards a sad end? Macron and his satanic friends. The Pope who has never really been except to do like Macron: destroy destroy destroy.
Such an analysis reassures me. Thanks to Mr. Dugin. In fact, being a Christian does not mean lowering your head under the blows, stretching your left cheek, all these stereotypes of the good christian, peacefull, an indolent sheep or an apathetic ox in front of the Merlin who advances.
Prayer restores strength and awareness of the evil that must be fought. No mercy for the devil and his minions. I’m waiting, now serene. I’m getting ready.
(Merci au traducteur!)
Www.Nordlandia.nl for Nordeuropa !
Amen to that!
Keep praying, keep forgiving, keep writing.
God is reigning, they will not believe you.
They reject Jesus, The Lord.
They hate Mary, the “birthing person.”
She will cover you, and all Russia, while faith remains
Abraham is the model. Would you spare them if there were 40 just men? If there were ten? Maybe there are ten?
The Bosnians, as illegally immigrated criminals, were there with WEF ten years before the Maiden Revolution. In the large public square with the “Victor Victoria” marquee for the off Broadway premiere. They were in on both “Victor” who had already been gunned down, and Victoria who would soon be the iron maiden of Kyiv.
Recall that the Chinese, and it was the Chinese through that Indian version of the then recently deceased “Victor,” who had the US target their Bosnian chipset factory to assure the US didn't get the dies. That same Indian “Victor” was the one responsible for the Il Queda meeting with Bin Ladin surviving while one of his wives and their children died, instead.
I would be wary of those Bosnian allies of yours getting those paychecks from their illegal immigrant cousins in the US.
The British Anglo-Saxon Magog and the French (and Dutch and Deutsch) Francs Gog are about to lose the War to the Russia 🇷🇺, the Christian Roman Empire with Emperor Vladimir V. Putin in the new and FINAL battleground in Finland 🇫🇮 where the Roman Empire will be Triumphant if the War which started by Charles Martel and later Establishment if the the French Empire!
This situation is scary and devoid of logic. I am trapped in the west, Australia is my shame and they can come and take me away for stating that. God will not support any side in this sordid human mess. The world will go into a deep dark sleep and the victors “albeit a few “ will emerge again from the primeval darkness.
Well put Gospodin Dugin.