Soros, Obama, and the 1% globalists brought on the revolution, Biden attempted to keep the momentum going - and Trump carries the counterrevolution... And those who have been diligent, already know what is coming.
This is classic Deng Xiaoping thought: "Black cat, white cat, no matter. Does it catch mice?"
Of course, everyone knew he meant, "RED cat, white cat, no matter" and as a result he spent 17 years in prison, but Deng Xiaoping thought is, really, the foundation of the present Chinese economic and social system.
A society without any Liberalism has no free speech, no freedom of conscience, no right of assembly, no democratic norms, no individual rights, Czarism/Communism on steroids.
The west is ruled by a combo of corporate fascists, and racist Nazis, who lie about their supposed "Liberalism" to win votes. A child can see that.
As for the 'Singularity', the term was specifically chosen as it includes Infinity, and is therefore unknowable by definition. It will involve AI, and what direction a conscious AI will go in is unguessable - any more than an ant can guess what a human might do.
No past philosopher is going to help with this. They were all flawed.
Singularity is above all an economic Singularity. Societies are the outcome of economic relations . The “Event Horizon” of Finance Capital is War, it has always been War. We don’t live in a Metaphysical world! Nature and its Laws are Dialectical Laws. Metaphysic is the weapon used by
Soros, Obama, and the 1% globalists brought on the revolution, Biden attempted to keep the momentum going - and Trump carries the counterrevolution... And those who have been diligent, already know what is coming.
This is classic Deng Xiaoping thought: "Black cat, white cat, no matter. Does it catch mice?"
Of course, everyone knew he meant, "RED cat, white cat, no matter" and as a result he spent 17 years in prison, but Deng Xiaoping thought is, really, the foundation of the present Chinese economic and social system.
Your hatred of "Liberalism" unbalances you.
A society without any Liberalism has no free speech, no freedom of conscience, no right of assembly, no democratic norms, no individual rights, Czarism/Communism on steroids.
The west is ruled by a combo of corporate fascists, and racist Nazis, who lie about their supposed "Liberalism" to win votes. A child can see that.
As for the 'Singularity', the term was specifically chosen as it includes Infinity, and is therefore unknowable by definition. It will involve AI, and what direction a conscious AI will go in is unguessable - any more than an ant can guess what a human might do.
No past philosopher is going to help with this. They were all flawed.
We are working very swiftly to land on it precisely as it arrives:
Its not looking good... Electronic Satan is already awake.
I hope we all make it, for Mankind's sake.
Singularity is above all an economic Singularity. Societies are the outcome of economic relations . The “Event Horizon” of Finance Capital is War, it has always been War. We don’t live in a Metaphysical world! Nature and its Laws are Dialectical Laws. Metaphysic is the weapon used by
Tyrants and false Prophets!