Why is pre-modernity eternal, and modernity is not?

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Well that’s his argument here. I take him as saying pre-modernity was an eternal state outside of time, modernity was a departure out of the eternal state into an impoverished state that is bounded by time and space. In Christian eschatology it is the distinction between the Kingdom (of God) and the World (of Satan). As he says, there are only two rules, the rule of God or the rule of Satan.

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The western churches (particularly, America) have been hoodwinked with a fairy tale interpretation of Scripture, full of demonic imagination and blasphemy AGAINST CHRIST (ANTI-CHRIST). They have embraced a doctrine of demons— a Herodian political Zionism that despises Christ Jesus (The ONLY, Messiah) and embraces the mammon of Rome! For this, God is, no doubt, ANGRY! Just as He destroyed Old Israel (FOREVER), in 70AD, He is, NOW, destroying those heretical idolators of Evangelical Zionism in the west. St. Putin is God’s man of The Hour! He must DENY modern FAKE (antichrist) israel and focus on Christ Jesus and HIS Kingdom-Church, ALONE. For THIS, God will continue to bless him. For The CHURCH is TRUE ISRAEL, alone! Everything else is demonic distraction and deadly to those who have been Sovereignly, deceived!

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I believe this serves as a reference point for Peter Thiel—a technological utopian who, as you noted, focus on technique, along with technological control and progress, which are mundane and temporal, stands in contrast to the pre-modern transcendental vision. At the heart of progressivism lies the idea that 2024 is inherently better than 2023, iphone 10 better than iphone 11, and thus, as we advance in time and technique, we improve ourselves. This notion, however, does not hold in the pre-modern worldview, where the spiritual takes precedence.

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“Aghori” refers to a sect which embraces death, charnel matter, cannibalism of the deceased, as a religious goal. (Dugin’s source may be Mircea Eliade?)

I don’t know what Dugin means by “Technic” here - perhaps just the pursuit of technological control of Nature?

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Most likely a reference to Spengler.

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Interesting angle, thanks.

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Probably 'technique.'

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I don’t think so. Does not match the context.

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My guess would be 'technocracy'.

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I wish that Dr. Dugan would talk about anti-religion and anti-God and not just anti-Christ. I understand that he recognizes all the perennial religions and especially the role of Islam in countering the phenomena or human development, he describes as the woke, liberal, modernist, nominalist, mentality and agenda. All of us who understand this need to join together not just those whose traditions are based on a Christ centric theology, but all of those who are based on a God centric theology.

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Long story short... it's just recent pop culture and Holiwood entertainment ( i wish it was entertaining) corporate propaganda masquerading as state fascist policies "rules based order" or other sounds bites to give skimpy veil of legality for utter corruption . The masks are off. But Western world societies still under hypnosis of Plandemic fea mongering propaganda.

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Christianity, the foundation for Western culture, incorporates it's own opposition. Modernity makes peace with the adversary instead of engaging in an unholy struggle.

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To understand Dugin, you have to look at what he means by nominalism. nominalism was introduced by William of Ockham - yes the razor dude. He negated the existence of universals(platonic) proposing that they only exist for the specific individual temporarily. So meaning comes from the here and now rather than from universal eternal truths. So modernity and post-modernity are anchored in the individual here and now, not in eternal truths. And progress is baked into the ideology by virtue of their dialectical method. Dugin is arguing for a return to platonic universals - but tweaked to specific civilizations - hence his multilateralism. (Obviously a vast oversimplification - but in the right direction.)

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Hello professor, some people claim that the forerunner of Western 'wokeness' and woke-ideology in general was the global anti-apartheid movement of the 80's and 90's that promoted the forced integration of 10 different cultural and linguistic groups into an artificial multicultural "utopia" (with the unspoken objective being to dilute all those cultures) under the banner of [Saint?] Nelson Mandela's "Rainbow Nation" concept in South Africa featuring "Unity in Diversity" and "Ubuntu" which were the forerunners of Western "diversity" and "inclusiveness" (while the New South Africa was also one of the first countries to introduce same-sex marriages), championed by the woke everywhere in the West. Here is an article that makes some of these claims - any thoughts?


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This is a guy who has the temerity to make claims about “the Antichrist” even as he advocates global nuclear annihilation rather than risk the sovereignty of his supposedly Christian nation. Does anyone believe Dugin is a Christian? Does the man have any understanding of the words or life of Christ?

Dugin, a tool of oligarchical power, is EXACTLY the same ilk as the corporate state propagandist who promulgates capitalist myths of freedom and individuality in order to control the common man.

Only Dugin’s game is to attack modernity and woke ideology in the name of religion. But, of course, his true objective is to serve and curry favor with earthly power.

Jesus Christ was a radical pacifist.

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He's more of a gnostic subversive occultist than a Christian. He casts spells with language he doesn't cite verse.

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The fall of the Assad regime in Syria highlights the fragility of civilizations reliant on Russian protection and the ineffectiveness of their crisis management.

The future of any civilization lies not in clinging to tradition but in its ability to adapt dynamically to constant change. Wokeness, though not the core of Western culture, is one of many facets that coexist with traditional values, shaping a complex and evolving identity.

In stark contrast, Russia seems to offer little to the world beyond chronic alcoholism, low living standards, wars of aggression against its own people, and an economy trapped in stagflation.

In what reality does the so-called strong and enduring tradition described in this piece truly exist? And how can Russia, while frantically abandoning its key military positions in the Middle East, hope to carry it forward?

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World change as the people develop. Its not antichrist. In Christianity you respect all people regarding their race, color of skin, sexual orientation and so on.

There are no threats to traditions. Let people live their lives.

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