(TOMW) challenges dominant IR theories by advocating for a civilization-based, non-hierarchical world order, where diverse civilizations coexist as independent "worlds".
Where is the nobility of poles of the multipolar world? Can you please write about that? How will those poles work without nobility? Will they end up as EU, USA, USSR and other anti-traditional entities?
I recall the quiet amusement in pro-BRICS circles when the Taliban trucked up to one of the Kazan conferences, and in just one weekend BRICS achieved more for women's education and future rights in Afghanistan than 20 years of US bombs and British paratrooper psychopathology had managed.
(Quite probably because women's rights were actually far down on the list for the invasion, if there at all, compared to destabilising regional countries with heroin, and being a forward base to attack Iran).
Anyway, point being, it's all very well to imagine TOMW as bubbles bouncing together, but inevitably - grit your teeth - certain "values" will triumph and become common. And because a common concern of all BRICS countries is achieving the economic and SoL development that the West has prevented for 300 years, that is inevitably going to involve basic sane liberal values, such as universal excellent education, welfare, workers rights, intellectual freedoms, and religious freedoms.
And it will be a better world for it.
And the basic sane conservative and leftwing values will be there too in common.
TOMW needs a currency for trade, a non weaponised currency. It is my belief that BRICS will allow the US dollar to remain in its privileged position so long as the US are fully paid up to the TOMW.
Trump & co are now fully aware of this as can be seen by the revolution and in house cleaning that's going on in Washington.
A stable world currency is paramount to the TOMW, am I wrong?
Not necessarily. The BRIIIUCSEE global conglomeration, as I've understood it, is more looking at a 'clearing house' of their respective national currencies, based on blockchain tech, rather than fx China assuming the problems of the Renminbi being THE global reserve currency.
Being the GRC is rather like having lots of oil in your borders - it sounds grand, except that without STRICT measures to keep it in check (Such as Norway pumping all the oil revenue into a sovereign fund fx), inflation and financialisation is sure to follow.
Unless you WANT to be a/the global hegemon, this is a major headache that wise leadership would avoid.
So far, China is resisting. And if they can get the new proposed BRICS systems in place, they will never need to take this step.
This is why the BRICS openly lolled when Trump announced he wouldn't allow "A new BRICS currency" - they were being entirely honest when they said they had no such plans anyway.
Anglos tend to be a bit thick, and they can only understand control. A deliberate lack of control leaves them bewildered. Anarchy for them means "Chaos", when actually it means "No inherent leaders".
Essentially, "Anarchism" is a synonym for "Democracy", and Democracy requires respect, and a pretend equality among the members even if there are large disparities.
But before BRICS can set up a coherent structure, the dollar will be used. This is the carrot for the US to lead them into multipolarity. Sovereign countries can still restrict capital outflows into dollar assets which allows for fiscal discipline and greater inward investment.
As a tool of trade, the dollar system is the simplest and best but it needs controlling which can only be achieved through multipolar governance.
Until another world currency comes about, if ever, the dollar can both strengthen global growth and at the same time keep the US in check. Win win if you ask me.
In a perfect world, Washington DC would be run by angels. However, we live in this real world, and Washington... isn't. Rotflmao.
Now sure, if DC wasn't taxing the rest of the world heavily through owning the GRC, and using that income to build military bases everywhere and especially circling the few independent countries, and limited its spending to mainly domestic needs and actual defence of the homeland (As Russia, China and Iran do, fx), then the dollar system would be a light burden, with more utility than cost.
:cleans glasses, squints at the world:
Unfortunately, DC - and London, and Paris - are actually ruled by demons.
Hopefully that's hyperbole, although I wouldn't necessarily gamble on that hope.
Once they started using the GRC as a weapon - fx, through the sanctions regimes that starved millions of Iraqis to death, 10s of thousands of Iranians and Venezualans, and attempted to regime change Russia so they could strip-mine it like a Nazi Germany 2.0, then that is no longer a light burden. It becomes the stone of Sisyphus.
And now the US is sanctioning its ALLIES through 3rd party sanctions. Using the dollah has become a burden for EVERYONE. The EU wishes to trade with China? Sanctioned. Wishes to buy Iranian oil? Sanctioned. Wishes to buy Russian energy? Sanctioned. Anyone wanting to purchase considerably better Russian military hardware than the shite the US pumps out? Sanctioned.
This is intolerable.
And the dollah is the US's domestic currency. There is no way in hades a major power will allow its own currency to be controlled internationally.
The disaster that the Euro has been for the European economies is proof of the pudding for anyone to see. I lived to see the Euro born, barring nuclear/biological holocaust, I will live to see it die, too.
And the US has little to zero interest in leading anyone to "Multipolarity", at least as BRICS and Professor Dugin understands the process. They STILL want their neoliberal, financialised, rentierist future. Supercharged by control of AI, and AI used aggressively to undermine 'competitors'. Both economically, socially, and politically. This is NOT something Trump intends to change, and certainly not Vance.
Their personal wealth literally comes FROM rentierism, they are not going to throw themselves out of the bath along with the water.
And I can't see a single person on America's political radar who will reverse this - at best, there are some who think that a nuclear holocaust is not a glorious ending. That's enough for me to support them over the alternative; but they're not going to change the ongoing fundamentals.
BARRING a sudden dropping of every sanction - not impossible, there have been moves towards that under Trump, however also considerable talk and moves about INCREASING sanctions also, fx on Iran, Cuba and Venezuela, then ultimately the dollah system is toast. People generally do not want to live under the control of demons. Demons who will blithely starve millions to death and say "It was worth it".
It will still take at least 1 to 2 years to implement the new BRICS system, and if major sanctions regimes against Russia and China are dropped, that will slow the need for it - but it will still continue. Why would Russia, China, Iran, and the UAE drop their systems of domestic currency exchange back for the dollar now they have them up and running? And BRICS will only grow. And the more pressure the West puts out, the quicker that growth will happen.
America has extorted from the World since WW2, as a mafiosa system of 'protection'. But once the USSR fell, that extortion was taken to the heights.
And now the local businesses have organised to prevent this Mafiosa control.
They're not willingly going to go back under that genocidal, authoritarian regime.
Sorry, what is IR, international relations?
Where is the nobility of poles of the multipolar world? Can you please write about that? How will those poles work without nobility? Will they end up as EU, USA, USSR and other anti-traditional entities?
I recall the quiet amusement in pro-BRICS circles when the Taliban trucked up to one of the Kazan conferences, and in just one weekend BRICS achieved more for women's education and future rights in Afghanistan than 20 years of US bombs and British paratrooper psychopathology had managed.
(Quite probably because women's rights were actually far down on the list for the invasion, if there at all, compared to destabilising regional countries with heroin, and being a forward base to attack Iran).
Anyway, point being, it's all very well to imagine TOMW as bubbles bouncing together, but inevitably - grit your teeth - certain "values" will triumph and become common. And because a common concern of all BRICS countries is achieving the economic and SoL development that the West has prevented for 300 years, that is inevitably going to involve basic sane liberal values, such as universal excellent education, welfare, workers rights, intellectual freedoms, and religious freedoms.
And it will be a better world for it.
And the basic sane conservative and leftwing values will be there too in common.
Westphalia without hegemony.
TOMW needs a currency for trade, a non weaponised currency. It is my belief that BRICS will allow the US dollar to remain in its privileged position so long as the US are fully paid up to the TOMW.
Trump & co are now fully aware of this as can be seen by the revolution and in house cleaning that's going on in Washington.
A stable world currency is paramount to the TOMW, am I wrong?
Not necessarily. The BRIIIUCSEE global conglomeration, as I've understood it, is more looking at a 'clearing house' of their respective national currencies, based on blockchain tech, rather than fx China assuming the problems of the Renminbi being THE global reserve currency.
Being the GRC is rather like having lots of oil in your borders - it sounds grand, except that without STRICT measures to keep it in check (Such as Norway pumping all the oil revenue into a sovereign fund fx), inflation and financialisation is sure to follow.
Unless you WANT to be a/the global hegemon, this is a major headache that wise leadership would avoid.
So far, China is resisting. And if they can get the new proposed BRICS systems in place, they will never need to take this step.
This is why the BRICS openly lolled when Trump announced he wouldn't allow "A new BRICS currency" - they were being entirely honest when they said they had no such plans anyway.
Anglos tend to be a bit thick, and they can only understand control. A deliberate lack of control leaves them bewildered. Anarchy for them means "Chaos", when actually it means "No inherent leaders".
Essentially, "Anarchism" is a synonym for "Democracy", and Democracy requires respect, and a pretend equality among the members even if there are large disparities.
But before BRICS can set up a coherent structure, the dollar will be used. This is the carrot for the US to lead them into multipolarity. Sovereign countries can still restrict capital outflows into dollar assets which allows for fiscal discipline and greater inward investment.
As a tool of trade, the dollar system is the simplest and best but it needs controlling which can only be achieved through multipolar governance.
Until another world currency comes about, if ever, the dollar can both strengthen global growth and at the same time keep the US in check. Win win if you ask me.
In a perfect world, Washington DC would be run by angels. However, we live in this real world, and Washington... isn't. Rotflmao.
Now sure, if DC wasn't taxing the rest of the world heavily through owning the GRC, and using that income to build military bases everywhere and especially circling the few independent countries, and limited its spending to mainly domestic needs and actual defence of the homeland (As Russia, China and Iran do, fx), then the dollar system would be a light burden, with more utility than cost.
:cleans glasses, squints at the world:
Unfortunately, DC - and London, and Paris - are actually ruled by demons.
Hopefully that's hyperbole, although I wouldn't necessarily gamble on that hope.
Once they started using the GRC as a weapon - fx, through the sanctions regimes that starved millions of Iraqis to death, 10s of thousands of Iranians and Venezualans, and attempted to regime change Russia so they could strip-mine it like a Nazi Germany 2.0, then that is no longer a light burden. It becomes the stone of Sisyphus.
And now the US is sanctioning its ALLIES through 3rd party sanctions. Using the dollah has become a burden for EVERYONE. The EU wishes to trade with China? Sanctioned. Wishes to buy Iranian oil? Sanctioned. Wishes to buy Russian energy? Sanctioned. Anyone wanting to purchase considerably better Russian military hardware than the shite the US pumps out? Sanctioned.
This is intolerable.
And the dollah is the US's domestic currency. There is no way in hades a major power will allow its own currency to be controlled internationally.
The disaster that the Euro has been for the European economies is proof of the pudding for anyone to see. I lived to see the Euro born, barring nuclear/biological holocaust, I will live to see it die, too.
And the US has little to zero interest in leading anyone to "Multipolarity", at least as BRICS and Professor Dugin understands the process. They STILL want their neoliberal, financialised, rentierist future. Supercharged by control of AI, and AI used aggressively to undermine 'competitors'. Both economically, socially, and politically. This is NOT something Trump intends to change, and certainly not Vance.
Their personal wealth literally comes FROM rentierism, they are not going to throw themselves out of the bath along with the water.
And I can't see a single person on America's political radar who will reverse this - at best, there are some who think that a nuclear holocaust is not a glorious ending. That's enough for me to support them over the alternative; but they're not going to change the ongoing fundamentals.
BARRING a sudden dropping of every sanction - not impossible, there have been moves towards that under Trump, however also considerable talk and moves about INCREASING sanctions also, fx on Iran, Cuba and Venezuela, then ultimately the dollah system is toast. People generally do not want to live under the control of demons. Demons who will blithely starve millions to death and say "It was worth it".
It will still take at least 1 to 2 years to implement the new BRICS system, and if major sanctions regimes against Russia and China are dropped, that will slow the need for it - but it will still continue. Why would Russia, China, Iran, and the UAE drop their systems of domestic currency exchange back for the dollar now they have them up and running? And BRICS will only grow. And the more pressure the West puts out, the quicker that growth will happen.
America has extorted from the World since WW2, as a mafiosa system of 'protection'. But once the USSR fell, that extortion was taken to the heights.
And now the local businesses have organised to prevent this Mafiosa control.
They're not willingly going to go back under that genocidal, authoritarian regime.