I’m an engineer and not a poet or philosopher, so I’m not well read on all these legendary authors cited. But what I took from this commentary is, that here in the West, the powers using fear to rule over us may have overstepped in many ways since 2008 and instilled horror instead. That never ends well for the ruling powers. Unfortunately not so well for the people either.

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I hope humans go extinct. They're a blight on the planet.

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Another well illustrated post' it has certainly made me think a bit differently about the fear side of thing's I don't fear god I prey every morning and every night and ask for forgiveness for my sin's' I will be judged accordingly' Alexander if right' if you get to know horror for long enough you will soon find yourself fearless

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Dear Prof. Dugin, I admire your knowledge on such subject.

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"Horror is what we inspire" this particular depressing Christmas season. Reportedly locals are signing for a therapy over their climate change anxiety. No respectable Russian would go to a shrink over Father Frost. Russians are sturdy people, they don't talk about existential dread much, although everyday practices of horror undermines all good intentions to make an immediate contribution to the world community, which sort of cancelled Russian culture a couple years ago for no good reason I might say.

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Westerners also find the figure of the vampire to be scary or creepy. The vampire usually symbolizes and denotes decadence in the West too. I guess the ultimate horror movie for a Russian would be Cabaret epitomizing the vampiric-decadent essence that Russians regularly attribute to the West like when Medvedev commented on the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics this year.

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Da quando l'uomo si trova scaraventato nel nichilismo più assoluto, dove il male è l'unico paradigma esistenziale, allora ecco che l'orrore è insito in ciascuno di noi.

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In my late 20s, during a metaphysical phase, I set myself various tasks. Some failed, such as unifying the 2 Golden Rules into one simple form. But another I succeeded at - Imagining a World where I did not exist.

It was a great deal more difficult than I first imagined, taking months of hard mental labour.

From this I understand this discussion, now.

It is a worldview denied of the Ego. The ultimate mental expression of the Ego can be seen as Solipsism (A mental state considerably easier to achieve, and also Illuminating if rightly utilised, as it means only you are to blame for your ills). The connection between denial of Ego and pantheism can be more more vague, more tenuous, and yet there can certainly be a link.

Perhaps I would not so much say that "Russians are egoless", but that Westerners are have taken ego culturally far beyond its sane orbit. I do not find Russians horrifying; nor Russian literature "Too dark"; nor current Russian state/individual actions unexplainable.

It is not that Russians find the horror of Gaza and Western neo-colonialism; neoliberalism, neoconservatism, that make Russians unique - the same horror can be found across the World, especially among its historical victims. It is found also in the common Western citizen.

The TRUE horror is to be found in the Western 'elites'; who have taken Egotism to such an extent, THEY have lost their common Humanity.

If they feel horror, it is towards a sense of shared Humanity, and Decency; expressed by the few such as Corbyn, or the bravery of various Islamic militias, or the brave Russian signing up to defend their people against the new Nazi hordes from the West.

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