Likewise I urge every freedom loving German to vote AfD, a party that puts the interests of its citizens absolutely first, a party that is unashamedly proud to boast of its German roots, heritage, DNA, that totally promotes nationalism and why not? Not every entity doing so is a fast track return to the days of Adolf and his minions, such narrative a Western Political and Wealth class elites trope designed principally to cause doubt, angst and most of all confusion…. to sow the seeds of fear into the constituency that comprises the electorate they must respond unto… it really is as simple as that.
Amazing how whenever their grip and hold on power is threatened using the democratic process , your voting against their ever shifting and changing undemocratic rule… that they roll out the Far right scare tactic as they wail, boo hoo hoo, gnash their teeth, crying the sky will fall on your head, the world is ended … sure is, for them, their corruption, graft and misappropriation… just look at everything Elon Musk and DOGE have found…hundreds of billions nay, trillions of USD$ squandered, wasted, kicked back, going to who knows where in a grift and shameless corruption that has been perpetrated for decades it seems..
if that isn’t enough reason on its own to motivate you to resist, to push back against these corrupt assholes using your vote to do so, then there is no hope for you, you are beyond hope, you have consigned yourself, family, future generations of family, neighbours, work colleagues to a life of abject misery, a life of unmitigated authoritarianism … rules for thee but not for we, a dual edged judicial system, to improper management of resources, to a self centred rule, ruling for the benefit of the few over the many…. just think back to your experiences these last 4-5 years and you’ll recognise the future…. except far worse as emboldened these tyrants truly cement into place the advantage they so assiduously pursue…
If I were German and I voted, I would vote for ADF, if that means the difference between good and evil, but for me the good is not to vote, even if with this abstention I cannot influence the result at least I prevent someone from letting me down again. Thank you Mr. Dugin for your BRIGHT'S thoughts. Greetings.
If You like Nazi’vote Afd if you like helping and watching America with Trump’s administration and Biden’s Administration before his aiding and abetting the Netanyahu Fascist IDF Committing Genocide vote Afd if you like the the thought of listening to the POTUS abusing bullying humiliating and Intimidating Sovereign States vote Afd if you like a future where Russia America Afd Germany and China Rule every Country in Western and Eastern Europe VOTE Afd, Isn’t having a different opinion and speaking your thoughts because you do not give a toss about The reappearance of the Nazi’ or the dismantling of the Neoliberals because you are a Socialist and BELIEVE IN All Things that the aforementioned Government’ Detest so if you like Freedom to do as you please within reason the same applies to Freedom of Speech and Choice then F**k the lot of them And Vote SOCIALIST.
After posting this, by tomorrow morning, in an end-stage socialist regime, you would find yourself in room 101 and speculate whether the rat in the cage fixed to your face will start digging into your right or left eye first ...
Likewise I urge every freedom loving German to vote AfD, a party that puts the interests of its citizens absolutely first, a party that is unashamedly proud to boast of its German roots, heritage, DNA, that totally promotes nationalism and why not? Not every entity doing so is a fast track return to the days of Adolf and his minions, such narrative a Western Political and Wealth class elites trope designed principally to cause doubt, angst and most of all confusion…. to sow the seeds of fear into the constituency that comprises the electorate they must respond unto… it really is as simple as that.
Amazing how whenever their grip and hold on power is threatened using the democratic process , your voting against their ever shifting and changing undemocratic rule… that they roll out the Far right scare tactic as they wail, boo hoo hoo, gnash their teeth, crying the sky will fall on your head, the world is ended … sure is, for them, their corruption, graft and misappropriation… just look at everything Elon Musk and DOGE have found…hundreds of billions nay, trillions of USD$ squandered, wasted, kicked back, going to who knows where in a grift and shameless corruption that has been perpetrated for decades it seems..
if that isn’t enough reason on its own to motivate you to resist, to push back against these corrupt assholes using your vote to do so, then there is no hope for you, you are beyond hope, you have consigned yourself, family, future generations of family, neighbours, work colleagues to a life of abject misery, a life of unmitigated authoritarianism … rules for thee but not for we, a dual edged judicial system, to improper management of resources, to a self centred rule, ruling for the benefit of the few over the many…. just think back to your experiences these last 4-5 years and you’ll recognise the future…. except far worse as emboldened these tyrants truly cement into place the advantage they so assiduously pursue…
Kia Kaha (Stay Strong) From New Zealand
What a wonderful plea, Mr. Dugin! There's nothing more to add.
Good luck, Germany!!!
If I were German and I voted, I would vote for ADF, if that means the difference between good and evil, but for me the good is not to vote, even if with this abstention I cannot influence the result at least I prevent someone from letting me down again. Thank you Mr. Dugin for your BRIGHT'S thoughts. Greetings.
If You like Nazi’vote Afd if you like helping and watching America with Trump’s administration and Biden’s Administration before his aiding and abetting the Netanyahu Fascist IDF Committing Genocide vote Afd if you like the the thought of listening to the POTUS abusing bullying humiliating and Intimidating Sovereign States vote Afd if you like a future where Russia America Afd Germany and China Rule every Country in Western and Eastern Europe VOTE Afd, Isn’t having a different opinion and speaking your thoughts because you do not give a toss about The reappearance of the Nazi’ or the dismantling of the Neoliberals because you are a Socialist and BELIEVE IN All Things that the aforementioned Government’ Detest so if you like Freedom to do as you please within reason the same applies to Freedom of Speech and Choice then F**k the lot of them And Vote SOCIALIST.
The Free Thinker
After posting this, by tomorrow morning, in an end-stage socialist regime, you would find yourself in room 101 and speculate whether the rat in the cage fixed to your face will start digging into your right or left eye first ...
Good luck !!!
NOT and AfD fan ...
I agree! I think Germans and all other people, must stop being so afraid of change.